I have been obsessed with cross-stitch as of late. In fact I found this cute little place where they they have so many darling little patterns to choose from. As I plan to start making a big boy room for the triplets I have struggled for something to kind of inspire the whole project, partly because I love so many different things and also because I have wanted to stick to a strict budget. When I saw the above cute cross-stitch patterns (oh which by the way can be found in andwabisabi's etsy shop),I decided to let whatever one of the patterns I picked out to serve as the inspiration and the direction I would take the room. They look simple enough. They don't look like they would take too long to complete. Also I like the fact that it would be adding something handmade into the mix.
Also I may be soft for cross-stitch because my sister did the one above and gave it to me many moons ago. Speaking of moons, did you know they rule over the ocean effecting the tides? When I was at the ocean last we were in the middle of the full moon cycle where the tides were very high. It was interesting because I too was on a high. I guess my stars were all in line because I was so lucky to be able to go to San Diego with my sweet sister (the same one who made me the above cross-stitch) with no kids. Even though we were there and back under 24 hours, the time we got to spend together was priceless. We got much accomplished in that short time. We shipped her car to Korea and then we picked up my new Christmas tree. After we took care of business we made our way down to the beach. Sissy & I were both going on 3 hours of sleep but somehow felt rejuvenated when we got to the beach. It was so calming with the sound of the waves, small breeze, clean smell, a photo lesson and great company. I don't know how we made it home but the long drive was worth it. Another great stitch to add to the pattern of my life.
Here are a few photos from our little excursion. As soon as sister gets settled there will be more photos of her to add to the mix. For every photo you see of me there is a matching one of her because we both took turns taking photos so that I could learn. Wow there really are so many factors when using the camera, it's overwhelming! I miss & love you sister.
That trip will always be so dear to me. It truly was a once in a life time experience to have shared that time with you all alone. Ever since the children came along, those one on one moments are so few and far between. Thank you so much for making the trip with me. I will never forget it. Oh and I meant every word of that cross stitch! I can't believe you saved that. I must have made that for you at least 20 years ago. Crazy!
How lovely! It's so nice to be able to break free from a chaotic household to just be. How lovely you could share that with your sister. x
I hope you'll share more of your boys room revamp, as you know I love children's rooms. I love the cross stitch patterns you linked too, aren't they fabulous!
gracious, she is such an amazing photographer. Tell her to give me lessons :) It helps to have such beautiful subjects, I am jealous, how fun!
You are so lucky to have sisters! I am envious! Sounds like you had a fantastic time!
You both are gorgeous...seriously, model-beautiful...
I'm lovin that adorable cross-stitch!
Looks like a fun sister trip!
Seriouly, I wish your sister could teach me! I love her work!
Maybe you could?.....
& Yes to a girls dinner! Soon!?
Hello beautiful Nina!!
I absolutley love your blog...all the pictures and the little messages about each one!! I can't tell you how much I LOVE and MISS you all!!! YOU and the Family hold a very special place in my heart. Christina you really are so amazing, and I look up to you so much. I am so lucky to have you in my life.
Thank you for always being there for me, and for always being so concerned with the things that go on in my life...I can't tell you how much it means to me. I Love you Nina!!
WOW! These are beautiful pictures! You are so gorgeous!! Hope you are doing well. I miss you!
Cousin. you look sooooooo beautiful in these pictures. I love you!! I never called you back, and now I don't even recall what it was... Oh.... Lola's head measurement... I remember now.. Okay, I'm going to measure her head.. and get that to you right away!!
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