Well good morning all of you little love muffins out there!
If the above blankets are as nice as they look then sign me up to have three sent over to my house ASAP. The blankets are from
Lake Superior Woolen Company based out of Michigan. I love that the company are a group of small family farms who raise their sheep on the green pastures of Northern Michigan. I even called them and the phone number listed is also the owners home number..so quaint. Just look at all of those colors to choose from and they say that their blankets are extra soft. Aren't they beautiful?
I've also had the
National Parks blankets from Pendleton on my radar and recently went into a shop here in Scottsdale to touch and test the blankents first hand. I liked them but had concerns that when the summer hit that the blankets would be too warm because they are a tad on the heavy side. They even monogram their blankets which is always a nice touch.

When I first set out to get the bedding for the boys room I figured I would do duvet covers but it is clear to me that we do not need any extra fluff in their bedroom. In fact as I keep editing the space it gets more and more simplistic. May be due to the fact that those silly little boys gang up every single day and heave hoe their mattress off of one brothers bed in particular. I could never get a straight answer from any of them on who was the culprit and then one day I walked in on it happening in action. They were all guilty..the little hooligans. "Wellsie push that side", I heard as I flung open the door to find all three stationed at their corners..sheesh.
Anyway as far as bedding goes I feel like we are going for a look more like the below with just a sheet and a blanket.