As I have taken down the Christmas decorations, I have reflected on the past Christmas season and how quickly it has come & gone. I've also reflected on how quickly things can change. I've always had a hard time with change unless it was fall in Arizona or spring in Utah. I especially do not like to lose people that I am close to. This Christmas season was bittersweet as I have lost 2 people that have influenced me greatly. There is a hole in my heart that will forever be there until I see them again. It's funny that even though I fight change I now want to embrace it within myself because of the lives these two have led. I want to change so that I can live up to and honor the lives these two have inspired us with. Things are constantly changing, they always will. It is essential they do so that the Plan can play out. One thing I know for sure is that our Savior knows and loves us. He wants us to have Peace & Joy as we seek those things that are pleasing unto Him. With all of the gloom around us it is still possible to feel great amounts of peace. Miracles are happening everyday all around us. Things that seem impossible are very obtainable through Him. He does work through both angels here on earth and angels up above. For this I am sure. Many of the angels here have truly rescued me over the last couple of years. I have such GRATITUDE in my heart for those that have served and helped me. I will never be able to pay back the Savior or even some who have helped me through out my life so it is my prayer that I will be ever so in-tune and cognizant of those that are in need of my help so I can pay it forward. I believe that through charity which is the pure love of Christ we can be our brothers keeper which I'm pretty sure would give our Maker more joy than almost anything.
I'll miss you Auntie Mary & Earl.
Painting of Auntie Mary in 1944. She was one beautiful & classy lady who was loved by all. She died @ the age of 93. She would pick me up as recent as the age of 80 to take me out to lunch. She even told me that I could order whatever I wanted. Who would have thought that they would have forgotten to take the alcohol out of both strawberry daiquiris I ordered when we went to Applebee's. I clearly didn't look a day over 14. Auntie Mary got a huge chuckle when I told her my hands were tingling as we left the establishment. She said, "Honey, I think you just drank alcohol, don't tell your Mom" She wasn't even afraid to get on the trampoline in her mid 70's. I was the first to inherit "Cabluey". Cabluey you ask was Auntie Mary's '79 baby blue Cutlass Supreme and was my ride to and from Toro country (highschool). She always made me feel special. I remember one night she slept over while my parents were away. We had some girl bonding time and I asked why she never got married. I don't remember exactly what her response was but what I do remember was her statement that some guy had just proposed like 3 months before and again let's not forget she was 80ish. She said something like who wants to get married at my age but in a really funny way. She had a great sense of humor. Loved to serve others and would often bring dinner over while I was growing up. Love you Auntie Mary.
Talk about one of the most inspiring people that I know. Aside from my own parents, Earl & Susan have impacted me greatly. Earl is a spiritual giant. He is well learned and could probably talk about just any subject. When I say talk I mean talk. He was a Vietnam veteran who was left paralyzed after a sniper attack in the war after being married for less than a year. Later, due to complications of paralysis, he became a double amputee. He adopted 5 children who he loved dearly. You would never know how much he struggled. With all of the things going against him, he learned to gracefully live his life above & beyond. He was a very humble man who knew how to love (in his own way). His family say that you knew he liked you if he teased you. Well I hope that is true because I got my fair share of teasing and for this I am honored. He taught me that anything is possible and that you can have a good life no matter what trials are thrown your way. The few things that I have mentioned about Earl just touch the surface. There is so much more to him than I have not mentioned. Earl has fought the good fight so this year when it was announced that he had cancer and would not survive this time (he's fought cancer a few times before) it seemed very surreal. Somebody said after finding out that this was going to be it for him, they couldn't believe it was true because he was like the cat who had 9 lives. I've had a couple of tender experiences that trace back to this great man. One of them most resent as I got to bid farewell to him a couple of weeks before he passed. His room felt like heaven when I had my last talk with him. I love you Earl!! Thank you for everything you have done for me. You will be missed greatly! The above picture is with his daughter Kristina's baby girl about 8 months ago.
Beautiful tribute to some great people. We're so blessed to have so many inspiring souls in our lives.
Thanks for sharing! Loves!
I wish I would have known both people. This was a great tribute to them and the impact they had on your life and the lives around them. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Fancy Vancie : ) That was a wonderful tribute to our Dad. I am so happy he touched your life so much. It is moments like that that make me miss him so much. Especially with the news we were just given today with our Baby. I am so happy she is with him now, but I wish he was here to council me and give me that precious Blessing only a Father can give.
That was a beautiful tribute to two wonderful people. So sweet of you to share your inspiring thoughts.
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