I know, I know, if you are my friend, mom, dad, sister, aunt, cousin, brother-in -law or sister-in-law then most likely you are thinking "nerd alert" or "wow, I have one of the coolest friends I have ever met"...either which one.
You probably are wondering what the deal is with all of these pictures of myself in sequins...Well I happen to have a very special friend who recently informed me that she merely just skims over all of my home decor posts but really devours the posts that have anything to do with my personal life. I think it is weird that she is bored by my design posts...hmm. As we continued our conversation it came out that I have really toned it down since getting married...she didn't seem to believe me for some odd reason. Anyway, my husband doesn't like the kind of look that says, "Hi, I'm here". If he were to express any preferences then he would say "No go" on big hair, bright lipstick and certainly not sequins. Still curious about the new sequined items.. that same friend (who goes by Tiffany Watson Snow) then suggested I did a whole blog post about my new items I brought home from the thrift store today....especially after I told here that a) my husband was not going to be so much a fan and b) the old volunteer ladies at the thrift store thought the pieces were gorgeous but advised not to put any of them on before stepping onto a scale. Tis true, I weighed them without my body in them and indeed they were 5 lbs. I am thinking a new work-out plan is brewing in my head. Buy old heavy sequin items and then walk around...I feel good about that.
Hey and if all else fails, then when my husband drags me to the 8th row at the National Finals Rodeo..I can shine like the top of the Chrysler building...a pretty nice compromise if you ask me. If you've ever been to that function there in Las Vegas then you too would know that you have to own your flashy flash flash..like as in go big or go home. It is a sight quite like none other, I tell you. Which at times I am thankful for the shiny stuff because it helps to distract ones attention away from grown men wrestling cattle and such. For the love of cowboys.
Mostly though I wanted to do this post as a warm up for another one that is in the works...thanks to another reader request. Again a special fashion post about discount and thrift store shopping. I can assure it won't be a regular feature but am very excited to talk about one of the things that excites me more than most. Hopefully I can break it down and make it an easier process for those that may want to give thrift store shopping a try. Does that sound ok?? I hope so.
...up next another home design related post.
P.S. - In real life I am not tempted by wearing sequins during any happenings that may include my children. In fact I think I am on day four of wearing the same outfit to be exact.