Friday, April 23, 2010

The Willows








You may just want to hop on over to check out this great giveaway. Also, who doesn't love a good remodel of a kitchen..that is just what The Willow's owner is doing in her own personal home as we speak. I especially love the lighting that she is using. Go check it out here.


Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

what a pretty shop! love the lamp, so cool!!
Have a great weekend Christina xoxo

Unknown said...

Oh, gorgeous shop! I love it! So beautiful, wish I could pop on over right away!

michiganhome said...

Hi! Just found your site through Janell's blog, Isabella and Max Rooms, which led me to the Pepper Design Blog (where she was featured on Friday), which led me to you, mentioned on the Oct. 6, 2009 post, which comes up when you click on PDB's "Organizing Your Space" tab! Funny how we get places on the Internet. Anyway, I'm glad I found you, and I just had to comment on the amazing photo on your Earth Day post. It is just such a great photograph, the backlighting on this beautiful child, the lovely lines of the furniture, I could go on and on. Have a great day!

The Willows said...

thank you so, so much for the blog love! you are the best!

Anonymous said...

Looks like such a lovely place to shop! I just found your blog through 6th St. Design School. Love it! I'll be following ;)