Thursday, April 8, 2010

****CLOSED***hello, valley of the sun...giveaway {Sweet Moments Design}


So here's the deal, Michelle from Sweet Moments Design has captured some mighty fine photos of our family and I love her so. You can imagine my excitement at this opportunity to pass on a free photo session with her that includes 10 fully edited photos. All you have to do is leave a comment. Of course if you blog, Facebook or Tweet about it then you can enter your name for another chance but make sure you comment again telling me you did so. You have until Thursday @ midnight to enter and the winner will be announced Friday morning. I really am thrilled for the person that wins.

Good Luck!

Go here to visit Michelle @ Sweet Moments Design

P.S. - If you don't live in the Phoenix area, pls. come & visit us...we could have a big huge party when you got here..but hurry before it gets too hot next month:-)


brentanderrin said...

i would love to travel to phx for a photo shoot!

onehm said...

No travel necessary for me!! ;) I'd love some fun shots of my fam!

Lydia said...

Oh what a fun giveaway! I would love to have some new family pictures!

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

Don't count me in Christina as unfortunately I'm way way to far, but just wanted to say that I loved your photo shoot and that this is a great great giveaway!

Lynda @ Happenstance Home said...

I love, love, love the photo's she has taken of your family and winning a photo shoot myself would be amazing. We were actually just talking yesterday about going back to Arizona. I really enjoyed it last time I was there. Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

This is such a wonderful giveaway!!! Would be so Thankful to have a photo shoot of My four daughters... That would be so much fun!!! All of her photos are Beautiful!!!!! Great work...


LindsB said...

I wish I lived close- this would be the perfect thing to win so we could get our engagement photos done!

PS- you and your husband are stunning!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win! Would love some great photos of my little ones!

Anonymous said...

Tweeted it! thx!

Unknown said...

Pick me, pick me! I'm right around the corner! What a fab giveaway!

P.S. Saw you on Desire to Inspire. Congrats!

Heidi Joncas said...

Fun Giveaway!

Lulu said...

First of all, love your blog!

My husband and I are in NYC right now, but are moving back home to Phx at the end of the month (he's going to Thunderbird in the fall). With so much transition in our life- moving cross-country, new job for me/new school for him, not to mention that our 1st wedding anniversary is on the 18th- capturing all the exciting change in our life with a photo shoot would be just the thing!

Thanks for a great giveaway!


Sarah S. said...

What a sweet giveaway. I love Michelle's work and would love even more to have her take pictures of my family. I'm crossing my fingers and toes.

Unknown said...

My husband and I live in Houston, but I would so (completely, utterly, happily) plan a trip for a photo shoot!

We would love to have a chance to visit a place we have never been to before, and this would be a perfect excuse to get away! :)

Robin said...

Who wouldn't want to win this giveaway! Her images are gorgeous!

Whitney said...

I do love me a giveaway!! woot woot

One Cute Mom said...

I've never had a professional photoshoot before and would LOVE LOVE to to have one done!

iluvlucie said...

Beautiful pictures, what an amazing giveaway!

Aileen said...


Anonymous said...

I would love a photoshoot. Especially since my husband and I are approaching or one year anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Just blogged about it! :)

Ellie said...

*Jumping up and down* Pick me! Pick me! I live in San Diego and the drive out to Phx is a favorite of mine... but I haven't had an excuse to visit for years. Plus the opportunity for a gorgeous photo shoot? This would be amazing! *Fingers crossed*

~Shay~ said...

I tweeted and facebooked my message about the giveaway! I could totally use the photos.

Aimee's Family Journal said...

This is me, entering! Thanks!

Kort and Amy said...

These photos are timeless! Count me in!

Heidi said...

A photo shoot would be so fun! I love all the photos I see of hers. They're always amazing! Enter me!

Heidi said...

COUNT ME TWICE...totally Facebooked it!

Molly said...

OOOOO! She takes gorgeous photos! I would love family photos! Yay!

Dressing On The Side said...

we're in Prescott but would take a day trip--LOVE her work!!

emily said...

Crossing my fingers!

sarah said...

I would LOVE to come back home to Phoenix for a photo shoot! Count me in! I adore Michelle's work :)

Thanks for the giveaway!

xoxo, sarah

melissaha said...

YAY! Sounds great! Thank you for the opportunity.

Tiffany said...

We just had a new addition to our family so we are in need of a new family picture. Her work is amazing and I would love to have her take pictures of my family.

jaymee sirrine said...


jaymee sirrine said...

I would love to win this!! Her photography is amazing!

Unknown said...

I would love a family portrait as a gift to my mom who is turning 65 on the 22nd!

Brit Warner said...

I am willing to travel!

christy said...

What a great giveaway! Would love to win. :) Love the on location shots!

Cute photo of you & your husband too.

Shelly said...

I would love to have some really cute and fun pictures of my bunch-then I wouldnt have to take them myself and make them look ultra lame =) Cool giveaway,Vance!!!

A. Kuhni said...

Christina, I would love to win this. I am dying to get family photos. I have just been putting it off because I get so busy but if I win this, I will make it happen. Oh, and I think her work is fabulous. I have checked it out before.

Anyway, love your updates. I check you out all the time. Thanks to google reader I get to check in on you almost everyday. Fun posts.

Anonymous said...

ooooh! ohhh! pick me PLEASE!!!! I might even pee my pants a little if you pick me!! AHHH!!! PLEASE!! PLEASE!!!

Anonymous said...

I also facebooked about it:)

Sommer said...

Another great reason to come and visit all the family!

Trina said...

I hope, I hope, I hope!!!

Trina said...

I face booked it too!

Bridget and Dustin said...

I would love some fun photo's!! I hope I win! Pick Me!!

Lauren said...

never had a photoshoot, that would be awesome!

Makeshift Martha said...

My handsome husband and our 2 four-legged 'children' would love a fabulous photo shoot!

Makeshift Martha said...

...excited about the possibility of winning this generous giveaway so I tweeted about it!

Webb Family said...

I have always loved your family photos & would love to win!

Susan said...

Love Michele's work! I would love a photo session with my family of seven!

Laura in Phoenix said...

Thank you for offering this great giveaway! I'd love to win a photo shoot to celebrate my three-year-old's birthday!

Anonymous said...

Love her photos!

JC said...

Yea!! Finally a home-grown giveaway. I would love to win this. Five grandbabies from 19 years to 9 months and no fab photos of them all together.

Anika said...

Love it! Thanks for the chance to win. Just got back from Sedona/PHX, but travel back frequently. Is there an expiration date?!?!

Danielson Family said...

I would love a shoot for my family -- I have 3, almost 4 kiddos - with my oldest 4.5 and the last one due in 8 days! I would love to have a photo shoot with the whole family!

Danielson Family said...

Just posted a tweet about the giveaway

tarable said...

We need a new family photo & these are all gorgeous!

ps-Christina,saw your cute fam out walking by the stake center on Sunday. Do you live nearby?

Kara McDowell said...

Love, love, love your blog and I would love, love, love, some pics of my family!

Lisa Harris said...

Michelle- I want to enter and I will add it to TWO of my blogs right now! Thanks beautiful lady.

Crockett Family said...

put me in the twins are one in june and I need to get there pictures done... I would love this, no travel for me so anytime would work....Thanks for doing this

Mimi said...

I would love this!! Thanks for the heads up on facebook and hope I win!!!

Rebecca said...

oh wow...what a giveaway...i have always drooled over your family fun!

Janna McCalley said...

I have family in PHX and this would be the perfect excuse to visit! I would love a family photo shoot!

Kara said...

always love good photos!

Lucky Lucas said...

OOO I know I am a little late in the game to get this in but I have blogged and facebooked this bad boy. such an exciting giveaway.

Lucky Lucas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ness said...

Beautiful photos... hope I win!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness!

Pick me, pick me,
with sugar on top???!!!!

I would love to have family pictures done by the very talented Michelle! I love her skills!
I'll blog, I'll facebook it..... the works!!!!

Linae said...

Thanks Stacie for the shout out! I'm feeling lucky!

Bert and Benton said...

So awesome, I hope I win! This would be perfect for my soon to be born baby!

Bert and Benton said...

I facebooked about it!

Jill said...

2 out of four kids not represented in family pictures! It's time to get some- would love a free shoot. PICK ME!

Laura Fuller said...

would love it!

Janee said...

Pick me!

Janee said...

Just FB it.

Janee said...

Just blogged it :)

Cheramie said...

i'll be in phoenix in june! does that work? i would love to have a photo shoot then. great giveaway!

Cheramie said...

blogged about it.

Cheramie said...

it's on facebook!

georgina said...

I would love to win and to take a road trip into AZ (we are from LA) I also got an instant family when I gave birth to twin boys and to get photo of the 4 of us is nearly impossible so this contest would be great for us.

Beth Curtis said...

Oh, I don't even know what I would do if I won!! Jump for joy?!

Unknown said...

I'm in AZ and I LOVE her work! I'd love love love to win! :)

Brooke said...

You are so talented....I am crossing my fingers for this one!!! I live in Surprise and will meet you wherever!! :o)

Little Beachs said...


Sherie said...

I have never seen anyone out here do photography like this! I love it! Fortunately my husband's family is from the Phoenix area, so we would totally come out for a photo shoot...seeing his family would be a bonus! We don't have a single family portrait since we now have a new baby. I would love to win!

Keri said...

Wow, these pictures are amazing! Pick me, please!!!

Annie said...

Put me in the drawing. I'll be there in June. Do I still qualify? :)

Pat said...

Can I qualify for this one? I'll be down in a month.

Jami Baker said...

Wow, you are very talented!!! Love the pictures!! PPPPLLLLLLEEEEAAAASSSSEEEE pick me!! I need some new pictures of my little munchkins!!

Jami Baker said...

I just facebooked about this!! :)

Jocelyn said...

i live in seattle.. but am hoping to put in a good word for my twin brother. he and his wife had triplet little girls (just turned 2! and this would knock their socks off. crossing my fingers and my toes:)

Miller Family said...

I would love this! Michelle is amazing! :) What a great give away!!

Laura said...

Dang, I wish I lived closer to Phx!
Hmmmm, there is some family history work I'd like to do in Globe, so maybe this would be a good excuse to bump it up! :-)

Chappy's said...

so cool! our family would love updated family photos!

Kristen said...

We're in Tucson, but the pictures are lovely and we would gladly travel for a photo shoot!!! Love your blog:) I read it everyday

Kristen said...

We're in Tucson, but the pictures are lovely and we would gladly travel for a photo shoot!!! Love your blog:) I read it everyday

KatieJ said...

Love all these pictures- thanks for offering a great giveaway! Would love to win to get pictures including my newest baby!

Karen Burr said...

I hope I win...haven't had pics taken in a LONG time! Thanks.

Linz said...

Oooo yes me please! Not have to take the photos myself?!! HOLLA! That would be more than fun!! Pick me!

Linz said...

Oh and I have tweeted as well!

Linz said...

OH and I blogged it!

The Carpenter Family said...

I would love to win this!! I blogged at put it on facebook!

Auburn said...

I'm so there, and I'm pregnant, wanna do a newborn shoot?

The Carpenter Family said...

my blog is private. You can email me and I will add you so you can see the post

Jenny said...

Your photos are fantastic! I would love to win!

Anonymous said...

I love your photo shoot always michelle!I would love to travel to phx if i win.Please pick me!!!Kai will give you cutest smile:)

The Carpenter Family said...

it would hep if i gave you my email it is

Nat said...

What a dream to win this giveaway. Your work is amazing!!

Jenna said...

I'm a photographer myself and it would be great to get some time with my family in front of the camera for a change!

Erin said...

Ooooh Oooooh Ooooh OMG I'd LOVE to win this. Here's to hoping!! erinmck12 at

Annie said...

you better pick me! we're practically sisters!

TheWrightStuff said...

WOW! How exciting! I remember the first time I saw your photos taken by Michelle...I fell in love with her photo style and your adorable family. I would love to win. It is definately time for our family photo op. Thanks for the giveaway.