Sunday, June 27, 2010

The girls room - edition 1 {budget style}







Good morning! Hope everybody had a great weekend.

Well here are the updated pictures of the girls room. It has been a VERY long process.

About 3.5 years ago I was about to go on bedrest with my triplets. Being that the girls were 2, they still slept in cribs but with 3 on the way we had to act fast because we needed to free the cribs up. At the time I was so short on resources because I couldn't do much of anything but roll from side to side in my bed and all of our pennies had to be saved for what was about to come ...thus the room stayed frozen with just 2 beds for quite sometime. It was so hard to put operation decorate girls room on hold because I don't like unfinished things and decorating is sort of an outlet. Anyway it has been a very slow process but I am done with phase one (meaning super budget style room). I would like to eventually finish the window treatments, have the desk lacquered and add a few quirky pieces to the room. For now we are just going to call it good and be happy that the project was done for under $250.00. I must note that the ONLY way I could get the room to look this good without spending the money was because my Mom was my free and very good seamstress for most of the bedding. Speaking of bedding, the duvet covers only cost $12.50 a piece because Mom took 2 sheets from Wal-Mart (2.50 a piece), sewed some really cool trim into the top piece then sewed them together and put buttons @ the top. I then found 2 twin comfortors on clearance @ Ross for $5.00 to put inside of them. Besides painting, the other main DIY project was taking Modge Podge and scrapbook paper and adhering it onto a piece of cardboard and then putting the trim around it to go behind the girls beds. We all know how cheap scrapbook paper is. That framed scrapbook paper project was actually the first one to be completed over 3 years ago and served as the inspiration for the rest of the room. As for the fabrics and trims..they were all purchased at discounted places. Believe it or not but that cool fabric on the lucite chair has been some that I collected over 7 years ago. I have loved it for so long and was so happy to be able to use it for this little project...I seriously think I bought it for $2.00 a yard. The rest of the furniture & accessories were thrifted, purchaed on Craigslist or bought @ discount places. Anyway a big thanks to my parents for helping me. I am so excited to see it come this far but can't wait to finish the other little projects to make it more complete.

Truly, if anybody is intersted in the play by play report or the resources let me know because I would be more than happy to share.

UPDATE: For the play by play report on the above space go HERE.


Unknown said...

You have outdone yourself. What an adorable room for your girls. The colors are perfect as is the bedding. Your mom is talented. I love the mirrors over the bed...perfect!

Amanda said...

Love,love,love it!!! I have to agree with Sarah- you really have outdone yourself. What lucky girls to have such a creative mom like you!
Are you going to be in town for the "big festivities"? We would love to hook up and visit with you :)

Kara @ Mine for the Making said...

gorgeous room!!! I love the framed scrapbook paper behind the girls' beds!! Totally eye catching. I also love the owl book ends and the monogram pillows. TOO CUTE!

Bringing Lady Back said...

This is absolutely gorgeous! Wow... talk about inspirational. Yay budget-friendly decor!

~Grace Happens~ said...

i am speechless!!!!!

love is an understatement:)

you are genius.

iheartmesa said...

I'm always in aww.

How do you do it? I have one less (which, when talking multiples, means a lot less) and...well, I'm just in aww.

Kara @ Mine for the Making said...

Just noticed the burlap on the shelves! Cute idea. Did you glue them on?

Stephanie said...

You are so stinkin' talented! I love what you've created - I would have died for a room like that when I was younger. Heck I would love something like that now!

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

Do you think your girls will mind if I move in with them for a while? Just a while, so I can feel like a princess too? Because THAT room is fit for a princess! Well 2 actually!
Stunning! You amaze me! xoxo

MerciBlahBlah said...

Oh my Lord - the lucite chair...the owl bookends AND those books (what are they, by the way)?, the apple green stool, that scrolly wicker chair? Sigh. This room is dreamy. You are bananas, woman. Heart!

Unknown said...

That is the best darn makeover I've seen for $250.00! Looks like a million bucks. I adore the chari at the desk and the one at the end of the bed...super chic. Props to your mom as well. LOVE IT!

Unknown said...

how PRETTY is this room?! I love it! the paper behind their beds is a fabulous idea. The lucite chair makes the room. I am a girl that does things on a budget too, and I totally appreciate all of the hard work and DIY projects that made this room so fabulous.

Beth said...

This is amazing! I've been reading your blog for a while, and have been meaning to comment, and I guess this room pulled me out of the woodwork. I love what you've done, and on a small budget, and all the DIY! I just love it. You are so inspiring! And I'm writing a post just for this room! :]


Lynda @ Happenstance Home said...

The room you have created looks beautiful and there would be no way to tell that you pulled that off using a budget. I love the eclectic mix and the bedding looks super expensive. Shows when you are creative and have a great eye in the end you really don't have to spend a fortune to creative a wonderful space! Such a great job and I bet your girls just love their space!

Anonymous said...

IT is gorgeous!! I love all the little detials, and the fact that it is fabulous on a budget!

The Waits said...

WOW! on budget?? I cant imagine what you would do if you had a million bucks. Your rooms always already look like a million buckeroos! WOO! YOU GO GIRL!!!

Dayka Robinson said...

it looks STUNNING! great job, and lucky girls!

Unknown said...

Looks like it came straight out of a magazine! We are building a house and I have found so many great things on our local classifieds. There is something satisfying about making over a room done on such a budget. I love that little green table, so cute!

Caitlin said...

YOu knocked it out of the park!
I love all the details and expecially the scrapbook paper behind the bed.


DO you still want that watermelon ikat?

Design Actually said...

Wow, it looks AMAZING! Maybe your mom wants to come over and finish up some of my sewing projects:) I especially love the mirrors over the beds & the simple bookshelves. I have a few of those "my book house" books myself, the spines are so pretty. Great job!

Molly said...

I am in love with the the color pink you have on the walls!

Abby Hunter said...

Incredible. The room is gorgeous! I love everything about it. I can't believe that's scrapbooking paper! You would think it was some designer wallpaper that you framed. I have to ask, where did you get the monogrammed pillowcases?? I LOVE them...and NEED them! ;)

Anonymous said...

Love you, love your blog, LOVE THIS ROOM! I'm expecting my second child (only one in there thank goodness!) and am a week away from finding out the gender. My hubby and I are hoping for a girl this time around, and THIS is what I want for Baby Esmé's room! My office is already pink and that will be her new little home in a couple months. I absolutely LOVE the chair and the headboard...and those monogramed pillow cases?! what a treasure for your girls to have forever...LOVE IT!

Anonymous said...

So cute! WOW! And, on a budget...truly the best! Once again I'm wishing I could sew. Anyway, monogrammed pillow cases - do you have a good source in the area for monogramming? I live in Phoenix. THANKS!

defining amy said...

wow wow. love all of it. love the scrapbook, mod-podge idea, it looks like high end wallpaper. simply fabulous, you have inspired me to get going on my kiddos rooms.

inge said...

You should be so proud. The room is gorgeous. It will really suit the girls as they grow. You have an amazing talent.

nest of posies said...

YOU & YOUR MOM are rock designer stars! aren't moms the best, especially when they can sew, watch & play with the kids all at the same time.
Christina, your taste & vision is incredible. beautiful room in every way! this room is a dream.


Michelle said...

Wow, looks amazing, congrats!

Christi Bennett @ pisforparty said...

Are you kidding?! The room looks amazing and looks like it was done by an interior designer! I would love to know how to make the scrapbook paper behind the girls beds.

Full House said...

Mine for the Making..yes I just glued the burlap onto the cheapest IKEA shelf I could find.

The pillow cases with the momgrams came as plain pillowcases and then I had the monogram put on by my Mom.

I will get the info for a really good place to bring things locally to have them monogrammed.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for all of the very nice comments. It is like Christmas for me today.

xx - Christina

christy said...

Super, super cute! You & your mom did a great job on this room. It's totally a room that can grow with the girls too. Can't wait to see the boy's room! No pressure. ;-)

L.Duncan@Home23DuncanBoys said...


bazaarofserendipity said...

OMG it looks sooo adorable! it doesnt look like a budget room at all! fantastic! lucky girls :)

Nancy said...

I'm in love... What a beautiful room! Would you mind sharing where you got those books or who publishes them? They are perfect for a children's library. Great job :)

Staci Edwards said...

The room looks great! I always say little girls rooms can never have too much pink! :)

angela | the painted house said...

Oh, Christina, this room--budget or no budget--is completely lovely. I've enjoyed looking at every detail. And, hoorays to Christina's mom, too! Just perfect.

Anonymous said...

Wow Pretty cool design huh? I have an idea. Bright and clear color walls reflecting more light, so the effect of lighting effects will be maximized. There are some colors that can be use, for example: light green or yellow light.

Antique Oak Chairs

Unknown said...

would you get this photographed for a magazine already? my goodness, it's lovely. your little girls have it good :) i adore the touch of lucite!

p.s. thank you times a million for your kind words on my guest post over at high-heeled foot in the door on friday. you truly made my day — and you know what a fan of yours i am! you are a kindred spirit for sure :)

The Kidds said...

This is one of the cutest rooms ever and I just love that you did it on a budget. Thank you for the great inspiration and LOVE those books! Everything about this room is spot on!

kelleyp said...

you must reveal the local monogram shop--those look great. also the fabric on the bolster pillows are divine--what is your source. love it all.

kelleyp said...

you must reveal the local monogram shop--those look great. also the fabric on the bolster pillows are divine--what is your source. love it all.

Unknown said...

What a gorgeous room!! love everything about!! you have an absolutely fabulous job here!! How lucky your girls...! I want a room like that for me!!! I stopped earlier today and got a couple of the pictures to do a post about it!! looove it!!! Hope you have a fabulous week!!! lovee it!!

Kera said...

holy crap. obviously the room is fab. i always say that i can't wait to have money so i can decorate. you just made me feel like an idiot. awesome.

LindsB said...

That doesnt look like it was done in a budget at all!! It is beautiful and just perfect for your girls. What a special space of their own you have created for them, I LOVE it!!

autumn said...

FABulous! there are deigners out there that couldn't get a room to look this incredible on a $10,000 budget! i really love all the vintage accessories and the little details everywhere. you are one talented mama!!

Pink Wallpaper said...

Soooo cute!! Love the wallpaper and the bolster pillows! Great job

Pink Wallpaper said... I just read that you used scrap booking paper....what a great idea! And I want their lucite chair!

paula said...

Its GORGEOUS! 100% gorgeous. love it even more that it was done on such a budget. although I do think the lucite chair wants to live with me:)

Home Sweet Seattle said...

WOW!!!!!!!!!! So chic and fun.... those are some lucky girls!!!! I love reading your blog!

Grace @ Sense and Simplicity said...

Absolutely stunning. The room is gorgeous and amazing you did it for just $250.

lemondropdreams said...

I am dying!! That room is gorgeous. You've given me a lot of food for thought. So glad I caught this post!

Liza said...

Just like everyone else--I LOVE this room! It could easily be in any designer magazine. So cute!!! And definitely does not look budget in ANY way.

lemondropdreams said...

I'm obsessing over the bedskirt and bolster fabric? Who makes it, where did you get it? I've seen it but I'm drawing a blank on where. Help please!!!

Debbie said...

Okay, you need to have at least 55 comments so I had better put in my two cents worth....You did a fabulous job. It came out just beautiful.

Debbie said...

Okay, you need to have at least 55 comments so I had better put in my two cents worth....You did a fabulous job. It came out just beautiful.

Emily A. Clark said...

Absolutely beautiful! I am in awe :)

☂niki. said...

ooooh! i was hoping you'd post their room. looks absolutely stunning. in a sophisticated girlish way. great work.

the brunette said...

i am beyond impressed! this room would definitely have fit the bill when i was little and wished to play princess every morning upon waking up! :)

Bridget said...

beauuuuutiful. i love love love the rug.

{Amanda} said...

GORGEOUS! What a lovely room for the girls- I'm sure they feel very special to have such a sweet girly haven to retreat to {gives them a nice respite} =)

Fantastic job!

Keighley Fleming said...

I think I stopped breathing for a few minutes. HOLY WOWZA!

The first thing I thought to myself was 'There is NO WAY she got that bedding for under $250' Those pillows are amazing. I need to teach my mom to sew.

I am so inspired by this post. Thank You.

xoxo Keighley Poulsen Fleming xoxo

ps. If you can go to and give your advice on our NAME change. Your style is so fabtastic and I would love to hear your advice.

Unknown said...

This is by far one of the prettiest little girls rooms I have ever seen! And I have two that is really saying something...Wow!

Anonymous said...

Where did you get those lovely mirrors?

Laura said...

The girls' room is AMAZING!! You did a great job! When I was reading your cost of finds, I kept saying, "no way", "no way", "NO WAY!"
What an eye for the deals you have and it came together beautifully!

Caroline said...

What an amazing job you've done, and all that for $250?! My mind is boggled!!

Caroline of
Red Glasses

A Perfect Gray said...

totally awesome...I am inspired.

Liz Stanley said...

wow, beautiful!

Annie said...

I finally have internet!!!!

It looks great. I need you to come to my house pronto because this whole decor thing is so NOT my outlet.

Full House said...

Nycia- those mirrors were scored at home goods a few years ago... when I get home I will send you a link to a source where they sell them in black but could always be painted white

Thank you so much for your comments

xx - christina

Full House said...

Nycia- those mirrors were scored at home goods a few years ago... when I get home I will send you a link to a source where they sell them in black but could always be painted white

Thank you so much for your comments

xx - christina

Tiffany from HOLIDAY said...

Love your little girls' room. I coveted the same set of books at an antique store before I was even pregnant w/ my 2 year old. Each time I visited the store, I would look in the booth just to make sure they were still there. I felt like it was bad luck to buy them pre-children. Then when I was pregnant, I visited the booth and the set of books were gone! I was so sad. And then so happy when I opened them as a gift from my mom, who obviously had a very good memory. Anyway, I just started my own blog & posted about your story...hope you don't mind. I've been a long-time fan.

LizPoms said...

I adore this room! I must know about those mirrors too...would you mind sending me the link you mentioned, or posting it here? Even if I have to paint, I love them!

LizPoms said...

I would love to know the link of the mirrors too! This room looks amazing!

Thanks in advance....

Anonymous said...

I'd love a source on the mirrors too (even if they are black). Gorgeous bedroom, great work!

bekbecker said...

Love love love the mirrors. Would you please share the source for those? I'd love a link.. thank you!

bekbecker said...

oops, here's my email for the mirror info.. thank you!

becky (at) group22 (dot) com

tryingtobegreener said...

Such a beautiful room! I'd love to know where you got the flower prints on the shelf!

Malinda said...

Oh my goodness, it's lovely!!

dulci said...

beautiful! this is so great!! your girls are lucky :)

Megan said...

Beautiful!! Where did you get the adorable books? I love the colors!

little luxury list said...

Hello dear, I found you through my blogger buddy Helena/Diary of Lovely. I am in love with those mirrors. Where did you purchase them?

Great styling!

alison giese Interiors said...

Simply stunning. We have those exact same twin beds in our three year-old's room. I painted them deep navy, and did bright pink bedding. I like it, but seeing your girls' room makes me wish I had done something like you did. It looks great!

Mande said...

WOW!!! Framed scrapbook paper!! You have inspired me Christina. This room is amazing!


Laeun said...

me too!!! i'd love to know where the mirrors are from. they're absolutely adorable.

Jess said...

i also love the owl bookends! please tell me i can find them online! :)

Preppy Southern Belle said...

Wow. Gorgeous! You have two lucky girls; can I move in too!?!
This is one of the best girls rooms I have seen in a long time; including those I have seen in home magazines!
And I love those monogrammed pillows; the perfect touch.

My Notting Hill said...

This is an absolutely gorgeous bedroom. I just found you via Helen - A diary of Lovely. You are so talented!! (and on that budget, Brava!)

Unknown said...

Wow wow and wow! Seriously stunning! Where did you get the mirrors?

Jen said...

Beautiful!! Would love the mirror source if you're sending it out! I am loving your scrapbook-modge-podge-headboard! Awesome!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, wow and WOW! I cannot believe you did this room for $250! That is awesome. It is divine! May I please have the source for the mirrors as well?

Thank you for the inspriation!

Anonymous said...

Also.... where did you find the books on the shelf? Love em!

Thanks so much!

Stephanie said...

I just found your blog thru High-Heeled Foot in the door,
Wow eye candy!!!!! Awesome!!

Melissa Marie Head said...

What lucky little girls! I can't believe that room was down for $250!! Impressive

Amanda said...

you should be sooo proud of yourself! i've said it before, and i'll say it again... those little ones of yours sure are lucky to have you as their lovely creative genius of a mother. :)

Robyn said...

Just went through your site. It will be a definite read for me. I found so much inspiration here.

I would love the link to the mirrors as well.

I Have To Have It said...

Unbelievable!!! Love it!

WHERE did you get those books and what are they? I couldn't quite get the detail. They are RIDICULOUSLY pretty.

Miranda said...

This room is amazing! Did you make the cushion on the chair? If so, where did you get that precious fabric?

Maria Johns said...

SOOO amazing I love every detail. so serence, peaceful, and that lucite chair is killer. way to think outside the box wtih the "wallpaper" panels, so creative and budget friendly!

A Few of My Favorite Things said...

Just stunning!!! I have twin girls and you've totally inspired me for their "big girl" room.

Crystal said...

Oh my goodness. Your girls' room is just amazing. You are an awesome decorator!! I saw this on "A Few of My Favorite Things" on facebook. Wow. Just ... WOW.

Shelley said...

GORGEOUS! I have twin girls and have now found inspiration for when they are a bit older. Thanks! :)

Miranda @ Pressing On said...

You did a fabulous job! What color paint did you use? I adore the mirrors above their beds. The room is gorgeous, understated and oh so feminine. I love it.

Nicole C. said...

Thank you for sharing that you were able to do this on a strict budget and without spending a fortune! Especially in this economy, it's nice to know you can have spaces that look this good but don't break the bank!!

Kendal said...

Absolutely wonderful and such an inspiration to get down and crafty!
Do you think your mom would share where she purchased the monogram file? I'm looking for something just like it.

Thanks so much!

Anna said...

Oh. Mercy.

I'm a bit speechless over how much I love everything you did.

Sheer brilliance.

LiveLikeYou said...

What a fantastic room!It's a girl's ultimate dream room. I'm very impressed.

Free Art Printables said...

I love this bedroom! My girls share a a room and would love this!

Jen of MadeByGirl said...

WOW....that is NICE! Those gals are lucky you are such a stylish mom!!

Playing Sublimely said...

Oh you simply do not have 3 boys....I have the 2 girl part, but my boy is a single ;). Nice to meet you, love the blog!

Traveling Mama said...

This is beautiful! Moms are the best resource all around! Hugs from Denmark!

Candy said...

seriously stunning. looking at the room brings me such peace.

Cristin // Simplified Bee said...

such a sweet room! love how thrifty you are too.


Josephine Tale Peddler said...

Bravo. A lot of inspiration here. xx

Jennifer S. said...

The room looks SOOO good!!!


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rymistri@la vie en fuchsia said...


Awesome work!

Just wanted to let you know that I mentioned you today, I thought you should know! :)

Wendy said...

Stunning! Love it!!!

Anonymous said...

I am not a big fan of pink but I still love this room, especially the mirrors! Where did you get them??? And, this may sounds weird but, where did you find the brackets for the two shelves mounted on the walls? I have some old wood but have been looking for the right touch and that would be it. Just happened on your site and I am hooked! I love you did it all for under $250 - you are an inspiration!

Unknown said...

I love this room! Wow. Where did the bedskirt fabric come from? Is there a store you can direct me to? Also, I am one of triplets and one of five girls... so I was amused by your family dynamics! Your girls are SO lucky to have such a lovely room!

The September Diaries said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The September Diaries said...

Absolutely fabulous. You did an awesome job. I've been trying to find a good place to have monogramming done. Do you have any suggestions? I saw that your mom made them. It's hard to find places that will do other styles than just typical that you see on web sites.

Thank you and great job...

Mama Up! said...

I am amazed and inspired and would love the play by play. I am working on my daughter's room with very little $ to spare, so I'm doing what I can, but the results thus far are nowhere near as amazing as this!

E.Schultz said...

I am obsessed with that wicker chair and have been scourging the internet for a similar find. What were your key work searches? ... so far I am only coming up with traditional patio furniture or REALLY expensive Victorian Heywood Brothers wicker.
My email address is if you have any advice! Thanks!!

Lasgirl said...

Where did you get the clear chair? I love CLEAR!

Full House said...

Lasgirl..the clear lucite chair is vintage and came from Craigslist.

Claire said...

Your girls' room is simply the loveliest I've seen in a long time, not even considering the cost. However, the fact that it was done on a spare budget is so admirable. Its simplicity is stunning. Kudos to you and your mom.

Margaret said...

I've been wondering where you got the mirrors? I saw that they were a Home Goods score, but that you might know where to currently purchase them? said...

You did a beautiful job! I am so inspired!!!

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