Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Decor Match Game with Chris Benz's 2011 Resort Collection


I am feeling really inspired by Chris Benz's 2011 Resort Collection. The lines, the colors, and the details are AMAZING. Well since fashion and home decor often cross lines...I thought it would be fun to play the room that matches the outfit game. With the exception of one image, amazingly all of the other match-ups immediately popped into my head. Do you like where Chris Benz has gone with this collection too?








The above is just for kicks...matches the shoes with all of the cut outs.

{images via Palmer Weiss, Elizabeth Dinkel, Nuevo Estilo, Celerie Kemble, unknown, St. Regis via Life & Style}


Alisa: a pina colada said...

What creative fun. Love it!
Palmer Weiss... one of my faves!!!

Chedva @Rooms and Words said...

Wow, love the clean design and the pops of color. The Palmer Weiss breakfast nook is on of my faves.

Jessica @ Lavender and Lilies said...

Fabulous post! I love that first dress!

MerciBlahBlah said...

I LOVE this post.

The end.

nest of posies said...

oh goodness me. the fashion - the design - your post it's all so beautiful. those clothes & accessories are just flawless.
what a beauty of a post to start my morning. ;)

Anonymous said...

Love it! Palmer Weiss is amazing!

Pretty Pleased said...

Love Love Love this post! The outfit to rooms are a perfect match. Dear Chris Benz, please come to my house and do a makeover!

Gretchen O. said...

I totally have these colors on the brain! Gorgeous! Thanks for the inspiration.

sarah kusiak said...

nicely done!!! That first dress is fierce.

Kera said...

give me a freaking break please. xx

Anonymous said...

I love the first dress soooo much, which reminds me, I was going to ask you if you are still creating things for madame pumphrey?! I miss seeing your gorgeous creations. And as for the last pic of the dinning room, YES PLEASE! if only my crew wouldn't destroy it in seconds...

Anonymous said...

I'm feeling inspired by this too! I'm on a yellow kick lately and these images are gorgeous.

alison (semi-fab lane) said...

i was in love reading this post. i can't decide which i like more, the fashion or the decor...i guess i don't have to choose, just lust and adore over. thanks for the eye candy!

Mary @ RoomPolish said...

every last image is to die for! Which do I love more, the clothes or the interiors...can't decide! You did a fab fab job matching images up. love it!

Erin @ SYL: Slipcover Your Life said...

the second dress, with the yellow hem is stunning!

Unknown said...

What a fun post. Everything dress and room is stunning, really! BTW, I have a giveaway over at my blog, come on over and check it out.

Nicole said...


Unknown said...

You're good at this! What a collection.

Laura said...

Amazing and gorgeous!

Abby Hunter said...

You did a wonderful job matching fashion to decor...I'm impressed! I feel inspired to try this myself. I LOVE this post! said...

You are spot on with all the matchups! I love all the ruffles.

paula said...

can I just live in these images?

Pink Wallpaper said...

ohh i like decor match game :)

Suzanne Anas Jurich said...

I love everything about this post!

Unknown said...

OK, this might be one of my favorite posts you have done! I love to see fashion and interior design paired goes hand in hand, doesn't it?

Bringing Lady Back said...

This is absolutely brilliant, you know.

You are a gem.