He is a very patient little dude..almost as patient as my very outdated bathroom...except different because he doesn't totally get neglected.
Speaking of bathrooms, when husband was gone the toilet clogged. Not my favorite, especially because we officially sound like a broken record as we coach the girls to not put too much toilet paper in the throne...aren't you glad I just shared that tid bit? Anyway, how about I make it up to you by sharing a beautiful bathroom?
Something about quatrefoil and beautiful legs (now that I am looking @ the legs, they kind of look like the plunger that I couldn't find..hmmm...anyway.
{found via Desire to Inspire}
We have that same plunger!
How cute are those boots?!
they do look kind of like a plunger, but beautiful anyway. i love the black trim.
Oh la, la... I'll take 2 of those bathrooms thanks :)
Hope your well Tiny
aka:Supermama with a plunger
That lil' buckaroo needs to come to Austin and look at our boot stores. He'd freak.
let's not EVEN talk about putting too much tp in the throne.......I have used that plunger more times in my life than I care to.
Maybe I could decorate my plunger with some feathers and some rick rack???? ya know....to make it more pleasant.
despite that bathroom being gorgeous and eye catching, that little cowboy of yours sure does steal the spotlight.
he looks dang cute in his boots thats for sure.
I think I love his boots just as much as I love that bathroom.
LOVE his boots! what a star.
i remember my Dad giving us toilet paper lessons repeatedly!
Gorgeous bathroom! Love the tub!
Love the bathrooms in your photos. They are so nice.
Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"
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