Ok so I started decorating the girls bedroom over 2 years ago but have never finished. I am determined to do so. I have always been a fan of shades of coral & pink so I ended up painting an accent wall in the girls room a rich coraly pink color. When I saw the below room designed by none other than Kelly Wearstler it went straight to the inspiration file. I love those colors.
Then on Sat. I scored big time because I was able to have a girls day out to shop the 50% off day @ Goodwill. I was so excited to find the below books. Not only do they look beautiful they are packed full of fun stories to read to the girls. I am recommitted to add all of the finishing touches so that I can place a big fat check mark next to the 2 year old project.
Of course my fun shopping date & I couldn't resist trying on a bunch of old hats. What's the deal with old hats...either my HeEd is muy grande or they used to have smaller heads back in the day. One thing is for sure though, it doesn't matter how old I get there is something about getting together with girlfriends that makes me feel so young & giddy. I've said it before but if anybody wants a thrifting partner call me....any excuse to go.

Half way done with making some little hair accessories.
This little one had to have feathers on hers.
Wow lots of pink girliness every where. I feel fine about that too.
Here's to a productive rest of the week.
Love that room. Im glad you had fun on your shopping date. your hair accessories look fabulous. The feathers... I love them
Those books are such a find! I love the colors!
I wish we had old hats like that at my goodwill!
All the great things that you find or make. It is an honor to come visit your blog. You always have such great things to share with us. Thank you for that. Good luck on getting things done. The ones that you showed were great. Keep it up.
Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"
This is a blog that you might like. It is one that we really enjoy. This is the link: http://materialgirlsblog.com/
Let us know what you think.
Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"
Those books are amazing! What a great find!
The room is great inspiration, love love the books and owls, oh, and the hairpieces are darling.
your hair clip are gorgeous! you see so many around town but yours are ones that I would actually buy. very unique
I LOVE that coral and turquoise room! You must have the best Goodwill EVER. Now I'm inspired to do some thrift store shopping - I'm jealous of your book finds! I also love your hair clips. Do you sell them? Oh, and I love your blog too. (There's a lot of love here!) I didn't see a "follower panel" though...??
I love your hair accessories and that inspiration room is to die for! I'm an Arizona gal and would love to know the Goodwill you shop.
I love love love those headbands!
I would love to make them.
And that room is adorable!
LOVE the beautiful room inspiration you posted, LOVE the perfect-colored books you found, LOVE the adorable hair accessories you made! :)
i think i am going to start calling you my new bff!
in the wee early hours this morning i started making my little girl some hair accessories -too! nothing like your beautiful ones. she still has paper fine thin hair, but i did add a feather or two as well.
i'd love to go thrifting with you anytime. perhaps, we'll go in our retro aqua blue VW bug van! what do ya say??? great score on those "gaawgeous" books. love the colors and the gold swirls.
I think hats used to be worn much higher on the head than nowadays, which would explain the smaller dimensions...
Just a lurker peeping in with a thought! Looks like a really fun day!
Who's the shopping partner? She looks familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. At quick glance I thought she was our sister. :)
That last photo of Big M is hilarious. She looks like a little Easter bunny with her teeth like that.
Good luck with finishing the girl's room. It already looked awesome a year ago so I can only imagine it's going to look that much better.
great books, adorable hair accessories! i'm the same way with older hats! they just don't seem to fit on my head!
I have been responding to your comments on my site...I'm never sure if people check back, or if I should be leaving them on their blogs instead! Anyway, I just read your post "fullness", and the part about our Savior - I can't believe how many fellow believers I have found through blogging already! I find it so encouraging! :)
Oh thank you so much for all of the nice comments!
{The Roberts Family} - I shop quite a few Goodwills all in Mesa. I actually bought the books @ the one on Stapley & Mesa Dr....in the hood. One of my favorite ones to shop is on Recker & Main though.
{The One that Bakes At Midnight} - These are fairly easy to make so I say go for it.
Love the inspiration photo!
I snuck out to GW on Sat eve when my boys were busy with other stuff. It was so nice to escape & good bargains too!
Also an AZ mom (north valley). :)
i have just the place for those little hair accessories...lovey's closet!!!
love them!
my baby needs them!! and i think i need them too!
so much fun!!! and i totally know what you mean when you say that you feel giddy when with your girl friends... i love it when you have something you are looking for and find exactly what you want from the thrift store... such a perfect moment!!! i just can up with the idea a few days ago that i want to find a vintage looking garment bag for temple visits... i cant wait to start looking!!!!
This is another home to look at that you might like. This one has a twist to it on how they use a garage door. See if you can find it. Have a good day. This is the link:
Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"
That inspiration photo is totally gorgeous! And, those books are a fabulous find!
I love your life! And the inspiration room is incredible--can't wait to see yours.
I had those exact books when I was a little girl (that was ions ago:-) My mom still owns them, but she's not ready to give them up quite yet! They are truly a great thrift find!
I'll seriously pay you to make me one of those even half as cute! Mine never turn out that cute!
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