Monday, August 3, 2009

A Fun Giveaway!!



Did you know I started a private blog? Probably not because I don't even think my Momma knows as I haven't invited anybody yet. Anyway I did & the objective is to document more of the nitty gritty of family life with my multiple multiples. Perhaps it would be stuff only a Momma would find interesting anyway:-) Which leaves me to wonder what to do with Full House. I think we'll just take it day by day but for now it seems to be working & I am really enjoying all of the contacts & friends I have made. I am constantly amazed how many wonderful & talented woman there are out there. So much to be inspired by. Also I think my blog has helped me to focus on really happy things. What a great outlet it has been indeed, so much so that my TV has been very very lonely. Plus I can't ignore how happy all of the nice comments that have been left make me feel. Thank you so much for every single one of them.

In return I am SOOO excited to present a fabulous giveaway from my blogging friend Grace, so come join the fun, would you? She has unofficially been named the queen of burlap. As I have gotten to know her I have been impressed by her skills. Remember the burlap chalkboard tags from my laundry room...she made those. Anyway here's a chance to win some of Grace's fun talent....

Just leave a comment and if you would like to double your chances blog about the giveaway and then leave another comment saying that you did so. Also if you have a preference on which prize you'd like than include that in your comment. I will draw the 2 winners on Thursday night & announce them on Friday. To see more of Grace's fun stuff visit her shop, Coastline here.

Hoping everybody has a great week!


Pat said...

me, me, me

How fun & I like the chalkboard tags.

Doubly Blessed said...

Love the chalkboard tags!

Unknown said...

I love the burlap runner with monogram. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Tara said...

love, love, LOVE these...please count me in for the chalkboard tags!


Debbie said...

enter me!

karlee said...

the pillow is just lovely!!

momentum said...

Would love the chalkboard tags! Thanks!

Dawn said...

I have been following your blog but haven't commented before...I love reading about your family, but I especially love reading your recipes and decorating ideas!!

I would love to win the Burlap/chalkboard tags!!

~Grace Happens~ said...

So excited for this giveaway!!! THANKS AGAIN! xo grace

Anonymous said...

I have been lurking in the shadows of your blog for a while (essentially stalking you, but without the creepiness) and I love your style! Your kids are adorable and I think your life is so very interesting...

I would love to win any of these prizes!

lacey said...

the chalkboard tags are exactly what I need to finish a organizing project...perfect!

debra parker said...

pick me, pick me!

Melaine Thompson said...

I love the chalkboard tags!!! pick me!!! :) thanks for doing this! Melaine

Melaine Thompson said...

Here I am leaving my comment for the chalkboard tags! I have always admired these! Pick me!!! :) Melaine at my sweet savannah

Unknown said...

I love your blog, specialy the mirror that you transform into a chalkboard. So count me in for the "chalboard tags".
Your children are so cute love them all.

Ab said...

I love it all! I also love Grace...but right now, I've gotta say I looooove that burlap!

Definitely going to blog about this one, too!

KatieJ said...

I just recently found your blog- it's great! These burlap gifts are beautiful, count me in the running!

Aimee's Family Journal said...

I got to brag about you today, to my friend that just found out she is having identical twins. You are an inspiration to those you dont even know girl!

Liza said...

count me in....and p.s. keep me posted on your new blog. Thanks, you're the bomb dot com

Melanie said...

I like them both!! I saw your comment on my blog about the other giveaway! Funny!! Maybe I will win again! :-)

Whitney said...

Entered! cant wait for the invite to the private blog.

Thompson Tales said...

I have been reading your blog for quite a while now, a friend of mine from church told me about it!! I love your style!!! I would love to win the pillow, so cute!!

Jeannine | The Small and Chic Home said...

I really hope you continue with this blog, even if you spend most of your time on your private one. I love seeing your projects!

Stacey said...

Love the chalkboard tags, looking into organizing the attic here this fall as a back-to-school project and how perfect would these be!

thanks for the opportunity!

Little Beachs said...

They are both so cute!!!

Lisa Harris said...

add me friend! any chance of picking up all those bands and clips soon?

Beth said...

Awesome stuff! It seems like everyone I know is getting those great chalkboard tags!

Jean Knee said...

I love those tags!

Jessica (Modern Moments Designs) said...

getting ready to do my 3rd son's nursery and I think the tags would come in handy! I'd love them!! I LOVE the chalkboard tags! Great idea!!!

KMR said...

I love the chalkboard tags!

Elisabeth said...

I been an admirer of coastline for a while, love everything she does!

Courtney said...

Love your blog, and love the tags!

Elicia said...

I have been a lurker!!!

I really love the chalkboards tags!!

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to enter.

Donna said...


angela hardison said...

i love the pillow :)

Anonymous said...

Pretty pretty...loving those tags~

☂niki. said...

omg!! i need that pillow! did you hear me? NEED, not WANT! it would look so perfect in lovey's room!

Kelly said...

I love reading your much fun! I really like the chalkboard tags, I know just what I would use them for! :)

Kelly said...

I love reading your much fun! I really like the chalkboard tags, I know just what I would use them for! :)

Courtney Vance said...

I'll have multiples if I can join your crazy club. Just remember my dream, I still think its going to come true!

Cheryl said...

Love those tags! Thanks for the recipe I can't wait to try it!

Gretchen Edwards said...

i love your blog! and i LOVE the chalkboard tags!

blogged it! =)

Megan said...

would LOVE those chalkboard tags! :)

Design A-Peele said...

Love the burlap pillow!

Anonymous said...

o.k. Here is the reason that I need to win the giveaway. I am re-doing my bedroom, I just found a beautiful white table at the thrift/antique store, I need lots of cute pretty things to help me along. I've decorated and re-done every room, kids, family room, etc... but of course ours is the last. Now it's our time. I love both, so don't care which one! love your blog, love your designs, love it all... .help.

Tracy said...

These are both awesome! I am pillow crazy though, so I have to say that I would love to snag that pillow... :)

paula said...

what a great giveaway!

Sarah said...

Found your darling blog through Aimee Teerlink. And just found out I am having twin boys! Love your style.

Ashley said...

Love your blog and your style.
What a great giveaway. Im especially drooling over those burlap chalckboard tags!

jgalke said...

Chalkboard tags would be perfect in my laundry room!

Unknown said...

Sweet! Love the chalkbaord tags.

jack, lucy, finn, dot, martha, and rocky said...

love burlap! that pillow is amazing! thanks for putting this together... how do you find the time?

Anonymous said...

I can't say I've ever owned any burlap, but these are fantastic!

Tara said...

Awesome! I love the tags

Janice Smith said...

Enter me, please!! :) I love the chalkboard tags!

Wildebeest said...

Burlap and lace is such a cute juxtaposition!

nest of posies said...

it is so nice to have friends that make such pretty things!
love both pieces, but i think i would pick the tags.
ANYTHING - and i mean anything, that would help this momma be a little more organized would make a huge difference.

such a fun giveaway.

Marketing Unscrambled, Home edition said...

What a lot of fun things that she has. They are all so lovely. Such a lovely addition they would make to any home. Thank you for sharing her talent with us all. Have a great day.

Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"

amy.blose said...

just found your blog- so much eye candy! Both of the giveaway items are adorable.

Aislinn said...

hmmm I'll enter to win those chalkboard tags. You know, just in case it's my lucky day. Who knows, it could happen. Or maybe previous winners should not be allowed to win again?? Nah.

cute cute cute.

ck said...

i fell in love with your blog after stumbling across your mr. man birthday party! :)

paperjunk-lc said...

I can see so many uses for this. Thanks for sharing.

Sarah S. said...

I love the burlap tags. What a cute idea. On your post about using chalkboard tags for gifts. The dollar store has cute chipboard wood tags, the chalkboard paint works well on them. You have to flatten it out with a book later but it works and it's adorable. Thanks for the giveaway.

Monica said...

I have been wanting to buy those tags for quite some time but to win them would be great!

bagfashionista said...

I absolutely love what you did with the mirror! (above post)

Unknown said...

Oh, these are so fun! Great giveaway!