When I saw the above little bike sitting up on the shelf @ the thrift store it made me smile. For some reason I had to buy it even though I have no need for a miniature bike. I got home @ now I know why I bought it. Just look @ this new stage we are enjoying of figuring out how to ride big girl bikes. The girls seem to be having Christmas in August & have been so excited to be upgraded from their trikes. The boys were happy because the trikes became hand me downs. I love all of my miniatures...they make me smile.

Speaking of miniatures my Mom snapped a few pictures of the boys point of view while living @ her house the last little while. We did feel pretty trapped indoors but those early mornings & sprinklers saved the day. It's not uncommon for me to freeze up as I get overwhelmed with the business of a bunch of 2 year olds. I've been known to say, "Sheesh look @ the little gremlins go". They are into everything & they make everything come alive with a little movement over here & a little movement over there. It's like somebody fed the little guys after midnight, gave them some water & shined the brightest light upon them (ok so anybody who hasn't watched the movie Gremlins has no idea what I am talking about but most who were pre-prime or in their prime+ in the 80's should know what I'm talking about).

I also snapped a few shots of the boys out enjoying the early morning sipping a yogurt drink. Good thing they were outside drinking these messy drinks in their skibbys or Nana would have had our hide. We love Nana.

No matter our circumstance, may we all ride bikes more often & smile.

Speaking of miniatures my Mom snapped a few pictures of the boys point of view while living @ her house the last little while. We did feel pretty trapped indoors but those early mornings & sprinklers saved the day. It's not uncommon for me to freeze up as I get overwhelmed with the business of a bunch of 2 year olds. I've been known to say, "Sheesh look @ the little gremlins go". They are into everything & they make everything come alive with a little movement over here & a little movement over there. It's like somebody fed the little guys after midnight, gave them some water & shined the brightest light upon them (ok so anybody who hasn't watched the movie Gremlins has no idea what I am talking about but most who were pre-prime or in their prime+ in the 80's should know what I'm talking about).
I also snapped a few shots of the boys out enjoying the early morning sipping a yogurt drink. Good thing they were outside drinking these messy drinks in their skibbys or Nana would have had our hide. We love Nana.
No matter our circumstance, may we all ride bikes more often & smile.
All of my miniatures about 1 year ago. Time flies.
oh my gosh!! That is so awesome!! Maile loves it!! I can't believe they are learning how to ride bikes now!! Crazy! I remember when I first learned how to ride a bike...good times good times!! My little nieces are all grown up and riding bikes!
I want an invite to your private blog please :)! I saw your parents last week, it was so good to talk to them.
Jennie N.
How wonderful as they grow older and the changes, how they learn and grow. Lovely photos. Keep up the good work.
Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"
What a fun post. I love seeing the boys out in the backyard doing what boys do best. I can't wait to get them and Mimi together...oh the possibilities. Grimlins meet Mimizilla. She got into my makeup again this afternoon. I have to say, black liner is not the best color for her cheeks but she begged to differ with mem on that one. :)
10 is perfect. I'll email you directions although it is pretty much straight up power. I can't believe you are coming all the way over! See you soon lady!
OH those hooligans! Love them.
Im sorry for being crazy today. Slides and 2 year olds are too much for my nerves. I think one day I will learn to chill out a bit. Love you sissy.
I love the pink helmet on Mr. W, so chic. You should make another trek to Utah, fall is around the corner. Its your favorite time of year, remember?
Look at all the miniatures. on the couch. Time does fly huh?
My question is "How are all the glass jars still in tact?"
-Shannon in Austin
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