10 things that make me happy:
1) All of the people featured on the Today Show that have made it to celebrate their 100th birthday.
2) Clean sheets (with clean bodies to go under).
4) Smell in the desert right after it begins to rain.
5) Turquoise.
6) Finding new delicious hole in the wall places to eat.
7) Recycling an item & making it my own (treasure hunting).
8) My children's UNCONTROLLABLE laughter.
9) The thought of traveling coast to coast without a watch or timeline.
10) Sound of the breeze rustling through the leaves while in the mountains.
11) Hiking the Grand Canyon.
12) The cleanness in the color white (ex. white paper towels and hot boys in white shirts and jeans).
13) Opening the blinds first thing in the morning to see the sunshine.
PS - I did not think to write my happy list down all by myself. I was inspired by Naomi over @ Rock Star Diaries. Thank you to her for being so out of control cute.
Today these pictures are making me happy:
Look @ my crazy brother..and believe me there's more where that came from.
This is birthday brother and it makes me smile to see him loving being a 1st time proud Pappa, Sorry I didn't talk to you yesterday Zachy.
This picture made me smile today:
Biggest goofball giggle box boy!
But most of all & being true to one of my top 10 happy things...I need not explain how good I feel after I ate the below for an appetizer before breakfast. They taste like girl scout thin minty cookies but I always think they're healthy because they say Back to Nature on them. I LOVE COOKIES!
What's going to make you happy today?
I love happy lists!! I did notice the black van. I wondered whos it was. Now I know. My yard is slowly becoming a parking lot. HA ha!Does bother me.
ha ha... I meant doesnt bother me.
christina, i found you! it's fun for me to see your cute, cute family and see what you've been up to. and i never knew you were so talented in the "finding treasures" department. i'm impressed. email me when you have a spare second!
rachel (robison) carmona :)
rrrcarmona at gmail dot com
You should not have introduced me to those mint cookies! :) YUM!
That little giggle box boy of yours makes me happy too!!! i don't know how anyone can be around him and not want to laugh...(that is when he's laughing of course)
What makes me happy will come as no surprise to you...it's when my children are happy!!
I made myself a little list today also :) ha... Great minds must thing alike!!!! Isn't Naomi just the cutest little thing...Your number #3 DEFINITELY DEFINITELY makes me happy as well!!!!!!!
Oh, your post just made me feel so happy. I think I'll go write a happy list right now. And believe you me, YOU will be at the top of my list!
I enjoyed your list - I love clean sheets to - there is just something about sliding into a bed with clean sheets on. What a great reminder to us all to be thankful!
cute post.
you being happy makes me happy.
i need to make of list of my own!
Thank you for the nice blog to come look at. What a nice idea "A happy list." We make lists for everything else. This is the best list of all. It is like the gratitude list that I have heard others talk about. I really like the photo of your brother and the two young ladies trying to blow the dandy lions. That makes me happy. I am going to share your blog with a friend, I hope that you will not mind. Have a good day.
Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"
That was cute. I'm all full of warm fuzzies you happy girl!
What makes me happy? Checking out your fun blog and seeing all your cute pictures! I'm happy being outside on the swing enjoying pretty flowers all around me and of course having fun with the kids!
love your list!
what an adorable family you have.
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