The days all start out the same way with all kids screaming for their vitamins. "Oh here it goes again", I thought. Another day to try and cross off the list. That is when I knew a little tweaking of the day needed to come into play. By golly, I was going to break free of the same old same old so I started with breakfast.....
No more hot cereal that is usually made by robot Mama. I busted out a brand new pancake recipe and served it in my fun aqua china.
At first I thought it was kind of funny to break out the china for just the kids and I, but oddly enough it made me feel a little better going against the norm and spicing things up. There was only one problem though and that was that the pancakes I made called for yogurt. I didn't have a problem with the yogurt itself but the trail of thoughts that followed...........
YOGURT....wait wasn't I going to learn how to make my own yogurt using the nifty yogurt maker I've had for a few years.....
Wait come to think of it wasn't I going to finish the below book for somebody that I think is just out of this world amazing........
I did say I was going to finish hanging the vintage hats in my craft room. We will just have to play with them instead for now. Seriously they didn't forget any of the details back then, did they?
Shoot I still haven't checked off the below from my list:
*Alter embroidered dress for myself & then don't forget to paint that chair.
*Make girls a new dress out of curtains from Goodwill and vintage trim.

I think I said on this very blog I was going to get to my cross-stitch project for the boys room? With the way things are going I made need more than the original year that I gave myself.
Have I ever mentioned my obsession with needlepoint, embroidery & cross-stitch? Just refer below. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the pillow with a B on it. That will be going on my son's bed that starts with a B for sure.
Oh & don't forget that I still need to finish the laundry room (that darn wallpaper). Projects, projects, shmojects. I'm letting go right now and focusing back on what really matters. Life would be so awesome though if I could live by the motto:
"Not quick to get angry but quick to get projects done"
Hey how come letting things go are easier said than done? You think I would have learned after 4.5 months of bed rest, a tag along friend named catheter for 1.5 months and 5 kids in 2.5 years. I guess I will have to just keep reminding myself about what really matters then.
At least I got most of my Christmas cards out last year. Well except this one apparently. Sorry Willis family but I just found your card in my car when I was cleaning it out.
You, my friend, were born to blog.
wow, now that was a plethora of pictures!! sorry to hear that the"stool" got cracked...i had no idea that it wasn't metal. Nice restoration though. and nice post too.
You make me laugh and remind me a lot of myself right now. We are having our first big gathering at our not-so-new house (we've lived here about 7 months) and I have a totally unrealistic to-do list before the event. And yet I find so many diversions from checking them off. I did mulch and plant the front flowerbeds, though, and that was a big one. Perhaps I need to blog my list like you did and get it all out there. I love the dresses so, so much and the pillows, too. I probably need to inject more color into my life, but I just stay drawn to the black and cream and gray. Now that I've practically written you an email, I'm off to my immediate to-dos, like bathe my filthy child who, yes, is 6 and up at 10 pm. That's what happens when I get busy. Have a great weekend!
what fabulous projects in waiting. i know all about that!
so glad i saw this post, i have lots of stuff you will want from my sale!
including a bird cage, except, it's not a functioning bird cage if that's what you are looking's a candle holder. you'll have to see it, but it's fabulous.
I also have some needle point/cross stitch lovlies as well as a few vintage hats, a particular blue lace one that will look great with your current collection.
AHHH look at your new sofa! I love it. I seriously thought that stool was made of metal. Anyways, you and I are busy with projects. Cant wait to see all the outcomes.
point taken...sometimes i have to step back when i get angry over stupid things and realize i could change it just as quickly as i could curse at it. it looks like you are one buy mom but kudos to that yummy breakfast. (i also really like your hat display).
Love, love this post. The other day I too snapped too quickly as the kiddos too quickly started to make messes after my good cleaning. Always happy when a new day comes. Love the snippets of your home too.
you are inspiring! YOu make me want to have a better relationship with my baby! You are such a good example of being a good momma!
I loved your comment on my blog. YOu always look so beautiful, and well put together! I am just jealous of wonderful people like yourself. AND you house is beautiful, and I think of it all the time. I try and think of "christina touchs" that I can add to my own home.
I agree with WERE born to blog. I am in love with your blog.
Thank you for the beautiful post. Love all the photos that you put onto it. Great job. Just do what you can of your projects. Start with the one most needed and work your way down the list they will get done sometime.
Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"
Thank you for visiting our blog. Great comments. Have a good day.
Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"
Love your china with Aqua insides! All your projects on the go are great,so do not abandon them! I love love your hat arrangement, you are very clever and how you do it all and look so fab all the time is a wonder to me!
I agree with the previous ladies - you are born to blog!
you're amazing!
Christina, you know that you never cease to amaze me with your amazing crafty projects. You are truly gifted! Who cares if you haven't finished them yet. I'm sure you will. Point is that you actually have all those fun things lined up & know where you're going with them. I, on the other hand, haven't got the first clue of projects for me, nevermind how to do them. Sigh. Maybe when I get some free time, I can finally get some inspiration & go buck wild! Believe, once I do, I'll be refering to you for some insight!
You have the best posts - I love your blog! Thanks for the morning smile!
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