Aren't having friends the best. You know the ones where you could go without talking for a long time and just pick up right where you left off.
I met up with the other two girls in the below picture for dinner this week. They were here on business and are still going strong working their stock market hours @ my old place of employment. Sometimes I have to be honest and say that thinking about going back to work seems like it would be a break. Being a Mom @ full force takes a strong woman who is not weary of heart. Could not imagine throwing work into the Mom mix. I don't know how all of my working Mom friends do it.
Speaking of strength in women and Moms, the below picture represents. Between all 3 of us we have 15 kids. Friend on the left has a set of triplets and we all know that I had my five in 2 pregnancies. We used to hang out back in our single days and never would have guessed that our life would take us to where we are now. I haven't forgotten to mention my friend pictured in the middle. Not only does she have five kids but she is fighting stage 3 breast cancer. She is way to young for this but nonetheless has this battle place upon her plate @ this time. Now what is so inspiring is both her fortitude and attitude. None of us know what it is truly like behind closed doors with the battles that people truly fight but outwardly I am completely impressed with the way she is handling this situation. There's no doom and gloom over where she is. In fact she has kept such hope and her sense of humor alive. If you want to be inspired by a great and strong woman feel free to stop on by her cancer blog. Anybody has the invite to not be shy and give her any words of encouragement to help bolster her up. In fact the below picture was taken @ a party where some genius thought about throwing a cancer shower. We all got together to show our support by not only showering her with scarfs, hats, wraps but mostly love and support. She radiates beauty even without her hair.
My little brain thinks in color all of the time and I think we should throw a big huge pink party when Shelly conquers this chemo thing.

Shelley looks amazing. I am so happy to hear so a good report. You've had a terrific week with friends. Stacia hasn't aged much has she? What fun to be with friends you haven't seen in a while.
Sometimes I miss working outside of the home too but only when I'm feeling lazy. Sometimes thinking of working outside the home seems so much easier and less emotionally, physically and mentally draining. But then I quickly remember how holy my work is as a mother and I gain strength and vision. It's a tough job...and I'm so honored to do it...I just have to remind myself sometimes while in the thick of it. I know you do too.
And yes, the peacock chair must stay for pete's sake. It's a family heirloom!
I love the idea of a pink party. You are just the type of girl to do it. I have been checking out your friend's blog. I am going to have to read the whole thing. She seems amazing...
Love the Peacock Chair! Tell Waylon "too bad-so sad" or tell him how much it will cost him to replace something that is so sentimental to you ;) I don't know if this would work on Mike, but it's worth a try.
I wish her the absolute best. I think a pink party is a fab idea. Maybe you could also host an online pink party to celebrate her and raise awareness.
Every now and then I miss working, but then I look at Indy and know staying home and home schooling is the absolute right decision. Plus, it's hard to find work in Germany. When I'm being really honest though, it's not so much work I miss as the paychecks. Those were nice. I get paid now in hugs, kisses, giggles and wonder.
I see no Peacock chair. Did you remove it? Anyone Im glad you got to spend time with friends. I wish your friend the best and I definitely think a pink party is in order. I tried calling you back yesterday. Love you.
I just found your blog and I have to say I really enjoyed it and I laughed about your coke post and the in-laws I know how that is. also I have 4 girls and get your family life style and how it can be crazy and hectic. I am in the process of doing my master bedroom it has been 8 years since we lived here and I think every room has been done twice. But not the master it is still trying to get finished from the first time. Well the hubby and kids come first right. thanks for sharing.
despite her lack of hair, shelley looks amazing and in good spirits. we all have our challenges in life, don't we and they are all so real and encompassing. isn't it nice to know that we have each other to help us make it through ours. you are truly a cherished friend to many.
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