{1,2 & 3}
Just in case you're wondering, I'm not holding up the peace sign, I'm holding up 3 fingers for 1, 2, 3 babies. It's weird to think that I was only 5 months along in this picture. If you think I look huge there well let me just tell you about the day I went to have those boys 3 months later. I rode in a wheelchair the whole day because I could not walk. How in the world they all fit in my belly is beyond me. Perhaps it falls under the miracle category. Man I used to eat so much food. Sometimes more than 4000 calories a day.
It was all worth it though. I mean look @ these little tikes?
This year I've decided to start getting things done. I mean for pete's sake I started making my girls a big girl room over 2 years ago and it is still not completely finished and what is done I have all of my good recruits to thank, Mom..Dad..hubby. This year I am starting early. I figure if I start compiling things now I will have the boys room done by next year. To start it off I am going to cross-stitch the below bad boys with all of my free time. Like I said I have a year.
I remember when I first found out I was having the three I was so scared. As it turns out having all three of these guys has done much more than inspire decorating rooms. They have really helped to mold and shape me more than I ever thought possible. The life and light they have brought to our home is innumerable. Kind of funny that I used the word innumerable in the same post when referring to a bedroom that I am limiting and only letting the numbers 1,2 & 3 be the inspiration. I'm glad that my kids are not innumerable (Can I say without sounding unappreciative?). Now the lady who just added the 8 babies to the six she already had may be a different story. My heart truly goes out to her. Anyway, I love my boys so much I can't even begin to understand why I thought I could only raise girls. These boys are the cutest things I have almost ever seen. I really do eat them at full force for breakfast, lunch and then sometimes just partially for dinner (I'm a little tired by then).

Again notice the numbers on the pillows. The custom built beds would be nice considering our lack of storage and space.

Here's a few more so that I can compile and come back for some inspiration. Perhaps I should start a separate blog just for my own personal decorating projects. Yep that's what I'll do. It will probably help keep me on track.

Ever since the boys were born it felt as if there were angels in the room. Perhaps it was the feeling my dear sweet friends left in that room after they came over to take a 3am night shift when the babies were first home. Honestly these women will forever be close to my heart for the service they rendered unto me and my family. There was and is such a sweet feeling every time I walk into that room. Every afternoon and into the evening the light shines so beautifully through the curtains. It kind of feels like Heaven. If Heaven feels anything like that room especially when the soft glow comes through the windows than I'm first in line to get my boarding pass. That is if it will have me.
I like the picture of the 4 bunks...fun! Your boys are DARLING. You are very lucky! :) Happy b-day to your girls too.
I love the room with the map. I've always wanted to have a room with a big map. I also love the picture of your adorable little boy in the curtains. Is that Christian? He looks like an angel!
Were you really only 5 months along in that picture? You were HUGE!!!!! Oh for the days!
What a cute post! Where do you find all of these adorable ideas?! Let me in on your secret! FYI, you looked amazing for having 3boys in your tiny tummy!
I remember that day you layed in the lounge chair. I think it was Easter. OKay Im seriously loving the Navy, white and yellow room. And the numbers... I almost died. Love it!
I think I know what you are talking about when you say it feels like heaven as you walk in your boys room. I feel the same way too when I walk in there. Your boys are so sweet!
Thanks for the message. It is always great to hear from you! I miss you too. I love reading your blog....you always lift me up! You amaze me! I love the decorating ideas for the boys' room too!
Love ya,
It was a fun surprise to see you and your dad on designsponge today!
Good morning. I am new to your blog. Did you ever post the boys' bedroom as you did it? if so can you send me the link. thank you so much.
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