{picture originally was taken by sister for part of husbands Valentine's present I never finished}
%$#??@@&^*%# today. I'm only embarrassed to share my age because my Mom turned 29 again this year so that would make me a really mature looking 8 year. Could you imagine what a stir that may cause..
As you can see from the above picture, I am looking really hard to try and find the age old answer. I've seemed to misplace my age. This year I actually thought I was going to be one year older than I really am. I'm serious ask my sister...she's the one that heard me screaming shouts of pure joy after I discovered I was off by a whole year. I guess I was getting a little too proud of this getting older stuff. Let's not get carried away though because I don't want to rush it or anything. I do however love the fact that I feel more comfortable in my skin as the years go by. To think I used to get really embarrassed about alerting people it was my special day.
Also, I just wanted to throw this out there today...I am so thankful for the opportunity I was given to come to earth to figure out the purpose of life on this very day a few years back. I'm kind of a slow learner sometimes but will continue to embrace opportunity to progress. Which leads me to how I feel about my family unit. Can we say that the family unit is where I believe most of the refinement process is able to happen...Thank you to all of my family & friends for helping me to be a better person. A special shout out to Ma & Pa for helping to get me here as well. Again I have a long way to go but really want to celebrate today as it has been the day that started my life's journey.
Also, I just wanted to throw this out there today...I am so thankful for the opportunity I was given to come to earth to figure out the purpose of life on this very day a few years back. I'm kind of a slow learner sometimes but will continue to embrace opportunity to progress. Which leads me to how I feel about my family unit. Can we say that the family unit is where I believe most of the refinement process is able to happen...Thank you to all of my family & friends for helping me to be a better person. A special shout out to Ma & Pa for helping to get me here as well. Again I have a long way to go but really want to celebrate today as it has been the day that started my life's journey.
Ok enough of all that and on to my birthday wishes for today:
Besides world peace of course...

I wish I would be with my whole family driving up the coast {in the above piece of awesomeness} from Northern Cali. to where we would end up in Portland to visit one of my all time favorite people (my sister). We would all then go to Farmers Markets and shop at all of the Artisan places only after we went to the beach a couple of times. Pure heaven!

Next, I wish to go back to Las Vegas and play a game, you know where the all knowing guy says he can either tell you what your weight, your age or your birthday is. If he loses you win a prize. Well last time I played that game I won by a landslide in the age category. I'm just hoping for a repeat if you know what I mean. That would make my day, considering 2 people in the last few days asked me if I was my sister-in-laws aunt and then yesterday some carpet cleaner dude asked if I was my kids preschool teacher's mom (um wouldn't that make me 50, which I guess is the new 30 anyway so I'll try not to get my panties in a wad). Not exactly what you want to hear when it's not cool anymore to be Botox free at my age. No I don't have a complex. Who really cares that I called two friends today to confirm.

Happy Birthday...my dear friend!! I hope you have an absolutely wonderful day!
Oh...and on that trip along the coast you would be stopping by to visit a dear friend...right?!?! :-)
Happy birthday!!! Birthdays are the best. And might I say you are looking foxy in that picture! You're 23 right?
You look AMAZING! Happy Birthday to you! :)
Looking that good after twins and triplets should be a crime! You're amazing at all that you do. I hope it's one of your best birthdays ever! Loves!
Happy birthday sister! I loved spending time with you yesterday!
Happy happy birthday. You're looking mighty fine for an eight year old....was I really only 21 when you were born???? It truly was one of the sweetest days of my life!!
oh happy birthday! You look amazing...seriously...I want to look hot like you!
Happy Birthday Lady! You're my favorite and I hope you have a great day. Love you tons.
Well Happy Birthday! Mine is coming up in a few weeks.
You look fabulous no matter what your age is. Twins and Triplets? You shouldn't look half as good as you do!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! What a glorious day indeed. I really hope that your first birthday wish comes true. I'll meet you in Cali for the drive! How fun would that be! I LOVE you!
Happy Birthday!! I hope it is an Amazing one!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Don't go making yourself older than you are! I have a habit of thinking I am younger than I am. In my head, I was just sixteen the other day. Then I get a bit oof a shock when I look in the mirror. Those people are crazy. You look fantastic!
Mehta could you at least do your advertising on a different day...sheesh!
Happy Birthday Sista. I would love to make your first birday wish a dream come true. Can you take a raincheck until I get back to the States. That roadtrip sounds heavening and just up my alley.
Happy Birthday Christanya! I love you sissy!
hoppy bird legs!!!
oh, i just love that picture of you! so posh!
i hope you had a great day. you are beautiful. inside and out.
yes, the news is true. i've known since last tuesday and i almost spilled the beans when you were talking to me about it on saturday. it took all my strength to keep it in.
thanks for being so encouraging throughout this process. it means the world to me!
happy birthday!
Happy Birthday...that picture is fabulous!! Hope you had a wonderful day of celebrating...last July I turned 33and insisted that we have a new house rule of celebrating birthdays for an entire week!!...I was the only on board with this one...seems appropriate that the one day that you can call your own should be celebrated to no end...it comes and goes much too quickly!!
Happy Birthday yesterday! March is such a great month for a Birthday isn't it?! I'm so glad I stumbled upon your blog. You are absolutely adorable. You inspire me!
Happy Birthday! You look great and I hope you had a terrific day! I agree that 50 is the new 30! When I was your age I had 4 kids. You are so young!!
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