So many unfinished projects..I have the above tear sheet that inspired the look of my laundry room. Love the turquoise and red. Maybe in ten years I'll get to it. At least I already have the rug.
Can't stop thinking about Stephanie. I hope she can see a picture of this doll really soon. What a treasure and truly a work of art. Christine was the artist and maker of this doll over @ Du Bah Du Designs.
So the Mr. practically kicked me out this weekend. He said something about me needing a break(I have no idea what he is talking about). I was this close to leaving on a jet plane. Maybe I will have my Bon Voyage next weekend or the weekend after or the weekend after that. Anybody notice the Heber Creeper? I bet fall is in full force in those neck of the woods. Maybe I'll go up there to see in person.
pictures via Coco+Kelley
top right & bottom photo by John Dolan
This final image takes the cake and is my very favorite of them all with the turquoise hawaiian water and little girl in her red bathing suit. The picture reminds me of a sweet little girl Maile.....
Once upon a time the Mr. & Mrs. went to Hawaii. They had no kids and wondered if that would ever be a possibility. They had tried for years. While over there they stayed in Old Laihana & while driving the Mrs. looked up & saw the word MAILE. Mrs. Wifey turned to Mr. Hubby and told him that was going to be their daughters name. Hubby told wifey that she better find out what it meant and how it was pronounced first. Wifey went straight for the first local she could see so that she could inquire about the name. That local happened to be much more senior than she. After wifey asked the lady, she replied, "Oh Maile, very rare and hard to come by". Followed by the literal meaning, which happens to be a plant or vine that has shiny fragrant leaves and is used for decorations and leis, especially on important occasions such as weddings. It will only grow on the cool dry parts of the islands (which are hard to find in Hawaii). Having kids hadn't worked out for what the couple thought was supposed to be their timeline but after leaving the islands, they pretty much thought it was going to happen soon. Truly a gift for the couple. When the couple found out they were pregnant with twin girls @ 15 weeks, the hubby asked, "well which one is Maile?" Without hesitation wifey told him Maile will be the second one born. The Mrs. or "Wifey" finally did make the transition to Momma a couple years later. Since Maile's (they prounounce as My-Lee) debut, she has been one of a kind and a huge jewel in her Momma's treasure box. She also just may be rare and hard to come by @ times. Interestingly enough Maile also really loves water. I mean really loves water. The fact that it was 50 degrees and windy last time the family went to the beach didn't slow her down one bit. Her petite bones outlasted all of them that day. Maile also won her Momma in a battle of wits in the tub today. She knows she is supposed to keep the water in the tub. Momma walked out for a moment only to return with water all over the floor. Maile was taking the cup filling it up and then dumping it out. Poor Momma got a little upset and asked why she would do such a thing. Her response, "Momma I was just practicing on how to get out of a canal in case I fell in". Momma sure wished she could get into her little girl's brain & simply couldn't be mad @ her little jewel after that. Maile remains to melt her parents heart.
Little Maile
Oh Miss Maile, she puts the mis in in mischievous. You have to love that sweet smile. I guess its true that good things come to those who wait.
I think its interesting how we have an idea in our head how our lives should play out. Its comforting to know that we have someone else watching out for us who has a divine plan. I can honestly say that the last 10 years, very little of what I had "planned" has come to fruition and know that its made my life better.
I am so into Turquiose and red right now too!!! That is hilarious. Im loving. I want to do a room in my house it. Lets get together and come up with good ideas.
How sweet are you..... Love the story behind Maile'a name. And I too are loving anything Turquiose period right now!
Is that Maile that you are holding in the last picture? I love the story of how you came up with her beautiful name. She has such an adorable personality and is quite entertaining with all the things she comes up with. Practicing on how to get out of a canal? How funny!!
Oh, little Maile!!! So would you say she is the turquoise or the red in your life? I guess you got two wonderfully different shades of color when you got Maile and Maren but you put them together and they compliment and enrich each other. Love those little angels. I'm missing them so much! Give them a big hug and kiss from bakka and me.
I love your blog! Seriously it really is so fun to read. I was telling my sister in laws about you and all your kiddos yesterday. They were talking about John and Kate plus 8. We all agreed you are superwoman! And I agree on the red and turquiose!
Now we need a post about Maren being the turquoise of your life. They are both so different from each other yet they compliment each other so beautifully.
Ummm! I did not know that story. How do they come up with these simple answers, that seem so CRAZY! But they make perfect sense to a child. I love that baby picture of her! The kids are just soooo big now!
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