1. the act or the state of expecting: to wait in expectation.
2. the act or state of looking forward or anticipating.
3. an expectant mental attitude: a high pitch of expectation.
4. something expected; a thing looked forward to.
5. Often, expectations. a prospect of future good or profit: to have great expectations.
6. the degree of probability that something will occur: There is little expectation that he will come.
7. Statistics. mathematical expectation.
8. the state of being expected: a large sum of money in expectation.
Has anyone ever thought about how much expectations play a role in many outcomes we may have in our lives? Expectations often determine our emotional state...i.e. we're happy if our expectations are met and sad if they are not met. Is it a good thing to set high expectations? I think there are certain times that we do need to have high expectations and then other times we really need to readjust and just roll with the punches. In this journey having the triplets I can honestly say that it has been better than what my original expectations were. That's where a combination of throwing high expectations out the window and having a little faith and hope come alive(that's another story in of itself). If you think about it there are very few things we have control over. I felt like the only thing I had control over was being faithful, diligent in keeping to the strict bed rest guidelines and the calories I put into my body. The rest had to come from a higher place and I just had to hope that it would work out even if it were not within my expectation parameter. How many times have things felt so unobtainable but because of certain elements things have just worked out. Coincidence I think not..
Now back to expectations and my little boys. When my sister takes pictures I do not use faith as a way to measure the outcome. I fully set high expectations because I know she is in full control over her camera and there is no way I will be let down. I guess like it says above in the #4 definition that an expectation is something expected; a thing to look forward to and I CAN'T EVEN BEGIN TO EXPRESS HOW EXCITED I WAS TO POST THESE PICTURES TONIGHT!! Annie, you fully met my expectations with the beautiful photos and if you don't feel like you met yours well then maybe it's time to readjust your thinking. I do want to note that at first I was a little bummed when the boys broke their lollipops after 1 second(I guess my expectations were set a little too high:-). After I thought about it I guess I'm kind of glad they did. There is something very liberating about letting go of perfect and the picture below seems to illistrate that. Just look how happy they are and that's all the matters.
PS. - There's going to be more picture to follow. I just have too many ants in my pants to wait to post the whole series. Also a special shout out to Stacey and her bro Matt for bringing those suckers all the way from Disneyland. I could not find those stinkin lollipops anywhere (ok 3 stores) so I called my friend Stacey and she made a phone call and we were in business. She has the hook ups!!! Ironically I did end up finding more @ the Dollar Tree 4 hours before the shoot. Anybody ever heard that one song by Alanis Morisette?(just had to throw that one in there)
You're too sweet. I'm so glad you were able to write a few words on expectations since often that is what determines our emotional state...i.e. we're happy if our expectations are met and sad if they are not met.
As far as children go, it's so much easier to not have expectations or to at least set them really low so you're always pleasantly surprised. :) I'm not a pessimist in this area, just a realist. Let me clarify that I DO have certain behavioral expectations and standards of behavior that I don't budge on. My kids know where the line is. However, if I take my kids out with the goal to get a certain photo of them doing something very specific, my expectations are unrealistic. You have to just let them be them and see what you get. That's the beauty of "lifestyle" photography. You capture your subjects as they really are, not how you want them to be. There's something quite liberating about being proud of who you are and delighting in your "you-ness". I love that photo of the boys with the lollipops because I think we really captured their individuality, even though the lollipops are all broken and crumpled around them. I can't wait to do some more photos tomorrow.
Love you sissy!
Well said!!!
PS(do you think we could teach the boys to sing "we welcome you to lollipop land!!!") Oh I guess that might be an unrealistic expectation... for not anyway!
I just want to squeeze those little darlings!!!
So cute!! Ok...I think I need to come to Arizona to see those little munchkins (all 5 of them!!) and to get our pictures taken by the Amazing Annie!!
Okay I love those pictures. Christina I am so with you on the whole expectation thing. I have found I am a person with very high expectations on just about everything. Its hard sometimes for me to just roll with the punches. I am learning though and trying really hard to have high expectations on somethings and not high on others. Love you
WELL SAID! and thanks for the shout out! The pictures are adorable! I love that the suckers were broken, too cute. Post more!!!!
haha I love those pictures!!! so cute!
ah I am so jealous of her photography skills. She has taken some amazing pictures. I guess it's easier when her models are soo dang cute too. haha
All they need is suspenders! "We wish to welcome you to munchkin land....!" I love them. Annie is fabulous. I am so happy for you, that you were able to get something so neat out of something so simple. Sorry you have ants in your pants. I hope you get that looked at right away... =0)
The cutest pictures EVER! I don't know how you guys think of this super cute stuff. Very creative.
Have you ever thought of becoming a writer? Loved it! Oh and LOVE the pictures! Can't wait to see more! Does Annie live here? She does such a great job!
Love, love, love those pics! She did do a great job and I can't wait to see the rest. You are so right about expectations. But, I have to say that i love that the lolli's were broken, added character. All that was going through my head looking at the pics was "We represent the Lollipop...so on". You get the point. Anyway, aren't you lucky to have 3 handsome little men?!!!
These are certain award winners. It makes me want to run in and sit next to them, just to be part of the fun. Your sis is one talented lady.
Where do I send the info we talked about the other day?
Love the pics. Your kids are so adorable. I miss you and hope all is well. Lots of love, Jenn
Shannon - Thanks! Annie is living in both here & Korea for the next year.
hey i called you the other day! but u didnt answer! i met your friend his name was ... brandon fish.. i think. He said that you were like really good friends with his little sister, and that he went on a date with you! And anyway I just wanted to talk, but i know your super busy! so you should call me sometime if you ever have an extra second!
Those pictures are way too cute!!! Especially the second one. I need Annie to come take pictures of my kiddos :-)
Your blog is great---you are such an engaging author!
I got your post on my blog and you are right--it has been way to long since we talked! Here is my email: rcwilkinson@gmail.com
So cute! I love those pictures! How nice Your sister can do take them all of the time!!! Lucky!
Wow those are some cool kids... I think that you need one more set of twins to make that family complete...
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