I think my kids were trying to get me hauled off today. We won't say any names (starts with an M) but one of my daughters and her side kick tag teamed me. Whose kid tells practically a stranger that their mom hurts them followed by her sidekick chiming in on cue telling the same lady that her mom dosn't let her cry??!!?? I guess the same kid who now refers to their Nana and Baca as "your parents". Seriously, she asked, "Are your parents coming over tonight?" I'm scared, they're 3 for pete's sake. What ever happened to Reading Rainbow, Mr. Roger's Neighborhood, Brady Bunch, Wallace and Ladmo, old school Scooby Doo, Bewithced and the Smurfs. Times have changed.
Did I happen to mention that the stranger lady worked with kids for a living and with the state? Good thing black and white are 2 of my favorite colors. Except doesn't Sherriff Joe likes the color pink or something?

Any whoo still love the partners in crime!!!
Zachs exact words" those girls, they are trouble". We are dieing. I cannot believe they said that... okay I can. Your parents? are you serious? That sounds like a Mai Mai thing to say. Well Chrissy If someone ever came to haul you off to jail,I would definitely bail you out. Ha ha! Love those girls.
That is the best thing I have heard today, so darn funny!
Lets do your hair girl, how about Wed the 20th at 10am? Just let me know darling......
Don't worry, we'll spring you if necessary!! Besides, didn't you hear, I have an "in" at CPS...haha
That is so stinkin' hilarious. Honestly, you know you are pretty with it still when you can blog so brilliantly about it. You definitely are able to see the humor in a totally stressful situation. Ata girl sissy! :)
Those stinkers! You will look great in what ever you wear. And really, I am guessing in jail you might get more sleep! Ummm, just something to think about! =o)
hey! Om so glad you reminded me! I totally forgot that you started blogging! I love all your recent posts! You have the sweetest most beautiful kids! Im so glad I get to say im their Aunt Alissa!! I miss you guys already, I wish we were able to spend more time together while I was down. It stinks that theres always so much to cram into the few days we are down there! You are an AMAZING mom, i dont know how you do it! I love being your sister, and I hope that we end up going back down there in a couple years so that we can become closer. I think out of all your family im the most like you. I love you!! I hope your doing good!
I love all the great pictures that you have posted. The baby pictures of the boys are so adorable. They were so tiny and sweet. I can't imagine those precious little girls in the cute photo being trouble!! You are an amazing mom just like your mom!!
Ashley has your blog listed on her blog under "share the wealth" (fun things/blogs she's found online) And I was so surprised to see it was you! Christina Vance has twins AND triplets! Your family is beautiful you seem to look even better than you did in High School. How is that even possible? I don't know how you hold it all together, and you make me feel guilty about complaining about my little single pregnancy;)
HI Christina! I tried to answer through e mail, but I couldn't find a link on your profile. I didn't marry a guy from Mesa, but we do live here. I talked him into it;)Did you? I know, I can't believe I have and 11 year old either. When she is a teenager, I don't know what I will do! I'd love to hear what else you are up to. Shoot me an e mail and we will go to lunch! (does that sound cliche'?)wsmacnab@cox.net
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