My sister and I could've seen a potential Saturday Night Live skit out of those play on words...her kids are brilliant.
How was your weekend with all of the mothering business going on? I'm going to keep it real and say that one of the best gifts I received was my husband taking the boys on an a camping trip...way better than the chocolate covered strawberries. Sunday then brought breakfast in bed (in which I had to get back into bed and pretend I hadn't already been up preparing to have our family to church by 8am). It was worth all of the effort because the kids got to sing to the mothers and I felt really good about them and my opportunity to raise them. I love celebrating woman who mother in all different capacities. I remember years past feeling either sad that I could not have kids or guilty that I wasn't doing a good enough job ONCE they did decide to make all of their appearances at the same time. This year I was determined to not let any deterrents get in the way of absolutely having a pleasant Mothers Day...and phew it worked!!!
In my opinion women and mothers are the secret weapon to having a really good society to live in...
Oh and guess what finally went to the upholsterers shop.? Yep the below two twin headboards that will be converted to a daybed with a trundle for the girls room. It really helps to have friends who have the same aesthetic that can send pictures via the cell phone to alert on good looking bargains around town. The headboards were acquired for $25 from a local consignment shop. Do you ever shop the consignment shops? Sometimes they can be cheaper than the thrift stores these days.
The above picture was taken right before swim lessons and I must note an upholsterer's shop is not a place for 3 shirtless four year old boys in their swim trunks..or maybe not for 3 four year old boys ever,
1. Happy Mother's Day. 2. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE those headboards, and 3. You always look so freaking cute! Love your style!
I love those pants!
that pic of the boys is so adorable.
only liza's kids would come up with the whole political play on names. what a hoot!
oops, mar was on my computer AGAIN!!
Oh Christina! PLEASE share about the two twin headboards being converted. Are they doing it for you at the upholstery shop or what. I have tried to figure out how to do that forever. I saw a frame with trundle that I could buy on amazon but it was like $400 just for that. So how are they going to to do that?
Also- what consignment shop was that? i am always on the look-out!
yippy you are getting your projects checked off and i keep accumulating projects that may never come to their full potential!
i am so LOVING those headboards. Can't wait to see the end project.
Kristen - yes i got the headboards at camelback consignment. and also I would love to share how the headboard turned into a trundle bed turns out.
xx - CB
Shirtless boys? Oh come on. Cute bed frame, good bargin. Liza's kids rock. Serious awesomeness. Just this week my kids were listening more than I thought to the radio while driving. There was some chatter about Mitt Romney, Bain Capital and then a story about private loans. Mimi piped up, "Mom they said 'private'" as if it were forbidden. Tried explaining the fact that private has multiple meanings. Vance wanted to know what private loan meant and then we were on a 10 minute discussion that may have got them all even more confused. Anyway, funny how kids pay attention to news and politics.
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