I once considered a pair of wicker headboards for my girls room..they were only $25 a piece. More recently I've had my eye on the above Moroccan headboards..they are beauties but in the end I went with making a custom daybed/trundle for my girls room. Anyway I've been thinking a little girls room is a great space to add a little of that hippy look...just not too hippy...maybe a refined or reformed hippy:-) The nice thing is that resources such as Ebay can bring the whole world to your home in a jiffy. I just purchased some of that hand blocked fabric for $10/yard. Hope it all works out..I will let you know.
Find fabrics and kantha quilts here, here, here, here and here.
Good source for Moroccan stools here.
Puff ball quilt and rug from here.
Above room designed by Sara Bengur.
Just for kicks what about the below room...it's ethnic
loooove this
You always share the best sources!! (And then I end up scouring ebay for hours once I click on your links :) thank you so much for sharing!!
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