A while ago my pal Angela from The Painted House who is an artist posted a sneak peak of her loft. Being that her loft is a a haven for her to paint I thought it was only appropriate that she didn't just leave her art skills only to canvas. She actually created some really cool furniture pieces with a little creativity. Not only did she get some really cool one of a kind pieces of furniture she also saved money on what it would have cost to reupholster. You have to go here to check out all three of her chair make-overs that included bleach, gesso and a sharpie.
I've been taking note of the whole art on fabric movement. I keep seeing graffiti and abstract painting on pillows, chairs sofas and drapes. It made me recall my best friends home when I was a small girl because her mom had one room that was designated for all friends and family to express themselves with paint.
Anyway I have this lucite bench with really old and dirty microsuede. I do plan to reupholster it but am not prepared to pick the fabric out quite yet. I really felt inspired by Angela and immediately thought I too would let my kids create a piece of art on the fabric covered bench. Then I completely wussed out. I had visions of other pieces of furniture getting makeovers that weren't supposed to be getting makeovers. Still I wanted to do something so I settled on the hexagon shape and went from there. There was no plan and I just went with it hoping I would not completely destroy the piece. I didn't have much to loose so it all worked out..plus it was kind of therapeutic. All it took was a little time and some sharpies.
What about you..could you ever paint or take a sharpie to a piece of furniture? Apparently one of the four founders of Kate Spade dedicated her home to her children and let them go wild on the furniture. To read about the story and see more pictures go here.
above images from here, here and here
Well below is pretty much the final product of me, a little time and a shorpie.
looks so great! super inspiring. thanks!!
Oh, I love it! You just saved yourself lots of money.
I am so excited that you posted this! Now I can walk into my kids' play room and cheer because my sharpie-covered couch is not ruined, it's designer!! Woot!
You did it! The bench looks fabulous--love the pattern. Thank you for the kind mention. Now you need to get yourself here to help me finish doodling on that Sharpie chair of mine--there is still room for more faces!
Love it!
Daring sista! I could not even think of doing it for fear of the little ones taking the liberty on other pieces of furniture...oh wait, they already do. Remind me later to tell you about the awesome permanent marker that is all over my bedsheets now. Really cool kids...or shall I say kid whose name starts with M and ends with X. That's the same kid that got into all of Drew's acrylic paints and had a hayday on our beautiful wood floors. Oh and the same kid that tatooed his whole body head to toe with an ink pen during nap time. Wow, I think I may have a budding artist. :)
love it! not sure I could get the guts to do it, but I absolutely love it. such a good way to save money and give yourself a project. thanks for sharing
Gorgeous Sharpie art! Have a lovely week, Kellie xx
Your is awesome! love it because its classy. The other ones not so much liking them.
That looks so great!!
Creativity can really create a new thing or two out of the material that he or she has. ^_^ What you did to these furniture is daring. I do not want to dare writing something on my sofa cover. ^_^
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