Wednesday, April 4, 2012

My new favorite tool


This is how we roll...

I picked up the camera to take some pictures of one of my new favorite tools when painting so that I could share it with you. When I went to download the photos I got much more than I thought (refer above). My son apparently found the camera. The pictures made me smile though because they reminded me that I have a hard time learning my lesson when painting...I am a lazy painter...hence I hardly ever put on proper clothing and never never tape. For that I always put myself at such high risk of ruining a completely good has been known to happen. When I went to pick up the girls with my paint encrusted hands their teacher said, "You painted in those clothes?" Yep I sure did. She just shook her head.

Well now that we have disclosed that I am a lazy painter how about I share some of my lazy paint tips that have been really helping me get the job done without taping. My new favorite tool comes in the form of precision tip Q-tips and I have a feeling I will be using these little things quite a bit in my future. Just imagine all of the possibilities with this things..or just imagine John Cusack in Better Off Dead..please say you know what I am talking about or else I'm going to feel really old? When it came down to it today the little red shur line tool could only get me so far in the corners. That is when I recruited the little white precision tip...worked like a charm.

Next up trim and baseboards...those dirty suckers.


SharynMO said...

Ah, Better Off Dead. "I want my two dollars!!" Great tip, thanks.

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

you look so chic even painting!

Sarah's Fab Day said...

Christina, you're funny! I'm so not surprised you paint glamazon style. :)

Bri@Meyouandawiener said...

Girl I do the same thing. Although 90% of the time I do ruin my clothe. Still lesson not learned lol

Unknown said...

Of course you paint in those clothes! You're too much! but I completely agree about being a lazy painter. I HATE taping with a passion. I am going to have to try this q tip tip (yes, q tip tip) next time!

Aimee's Family Journal said...

Of course you do. With your hair down. In a floral skirt. WHY CHRISTINA!!?? How do you do that with out wanting to jump off a cliff. My hair would be pasted to my sweaty face. And the skirt....

You are super girl.

Samantha said...

My husband has painted in dress pants and a tie. Not a drop on him or the kitchen.

Sara Grace said...

That was my first thought, too, "You painted in that outfit??" So impressive.

Sarah B said...

I wouldn't say you're a lazy painter, you're simply an eager painter. So excited to get started you don't want to mess with all that extra unnecessary junk! :) At least that's the reasoning that I use!!

Btw I just found your bog and think it's pretty awesome, so thanks!

Dayka Robinson said...

is it right for me to get angry that you look THIS GOOD when even doing the mundane things in life like painting?? probably not. i remember a year or so ago you posted this photo of you taking the girls to school and i think it was your version of slumming it. still, you managed to looked like a supermodel that was trying to "tone it down" so you didn't "out-do" the other moms.
since i haven't said it in awhile, you are my mom style idol (hell, just make that my style idol).


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