Wednesday, February 2, 2011

{wanting to paint wallpaper}


Painting has been one of our top activities these last few days and it got me thinking that I would love to buy a paintable wallpaper and let the girls go crazy and create something that looks like....


and then.....

wallpaper their closets with the new creation. Don't you think that would be such a fun and colorful way to display their work?

Anyway how is your week shaping up? I myself seem to be just shy from being on top of things. Ever feel like you are flying by the seat of your pants?

P.S. - Isn't that painted wallpaper gorgeous? Erica blogged about it today and linked to the source over here.

{images via Moth Design, Stylebeat (Thomas Jayne for the Albert Hadley tribute), Apartment Therapy, Prjoect Nursery}


Unknown said...

I think that is a brilliant idea. My kids color and/or paint all the time.

Caroline @ The Feminist Housewife said...

That is such a wonderful and creative idea! I'm sure your girls would LOVE it. It would be so special!

bluehydrangea said...

Such a great idea!! Go for it!!

Michaela said...

So so so cute! What a wonderful idea. When I have little girls (Lord willing!) I want to do this for their room (:

Unknown said...

love the idea!

lemondropdreams said...

My little one has been painting the past couple days too, wallpaper would be too fun! Sadly he probably wouldn't differentiate btwn wallpaper and the wall...

Unknown said...

Fantastically fun idea for your girls. We have so much art from the boys on our walls I love it.
Those closets are beautiful.

Stacey Crewse said...

Love it! So cute!

Laura said...

Love that idea! Kids would love it - I think you're onto something sister. Patent that idea!

Lynda @ Happenstance Home said...

I'm feeling really behind on everything - I guess because I am! I'm blog reading til 11 and then back to straightening things up!

Samantha said...

Great idea. I love water color colors anyway.

Yes, so behind and, at the same time, so unmotivated.

Ashley said...

Genius idea! Please do this!!!

Anonymous said...

Love this idea for your kiddies! I would love to see what they would do!

Lasgirl said...

This is SO! COOL!
<3 Thanks a bunch!

j&t-rex said...

Great idea!! And please tell me the name of the artist/paint of the top pic! It is gorgeous!!!' Thanks!!