Wednesday, February 16, 2011

{halt and run for the field}


If the dirtiness of my boys is any indicator to the messy house that I was talking about then perhaps I should reinstate my domesticated duties...almost...but not really because the weather is way too beautiful even at high noon. I promise to do the basics today but other than that we are out of here.

I really appreciated Lauren's post last night. If you have kids you probably will too.

I've clearly been enjoying my self-timer feature on my camera.


B said...

I wish we had your gorgeous weather her in grey England~ then at least I'd have a reasonable excuse for my house looking like a tip ;O)

B x

Unknown said...

Looks like you have beautiful weather in the northeast and it's cold and rainy here in LA. Enjoy it - the domestic duties will be there for another day.

~M~ said...

What a beautiful day!!

Julia said...

I came across your blog a while ago and I have one question: Who takes all the photos of you and your children? One of the other kids? Your hubby? Inquiring minds want to know :-)

Full House said...

Julia, I wish I could say that I had a special nanny or helper that was taking the pictures because then that helper could also be cleaning my house:-)

Seriously I recently just figured out how to use the self-timer on my camera so as long as I have a flat surface to set the camera on we are in business.

angela hardison said...

hooray for the self-timer. it's definitely a friend of mine ;)

Laura said...

I love these photos.