Thursday, February 17, 2011

bee's knees and honey tones

I love honey so much and in fact have a whole file on my computer devoted to just to pretty bottles of it. My latest honey quest comes in the above bottle with the red label. It is a white winter honey that is said to be from the frosty wildflower fields of the Idaho Rockies and has a creamy texture that melts like snow on the tongue. It is said to have a hint of fruit and cinnamon which happens to be ideal for scones and hot chocolate. In my life a jar full off really good honey goes a long way & is a staple. For my birthday I would not be opposed to having somebody sign me up for the honey of the month club at the Red Bee. I love that on Red Bee's site it gives the break down on how all of the different honeys taste.

I think honey toned colors also translate really well into rooms with its warm tones.





Well I get the fun opportunity to go to the Parade of Homes in St. George, Utah and will be leaving ASAP. Will you be there? I am excited to see the homes Alice Lane had a hand in decorating.

Have a great weekend if I don't see you tomorrow.


Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

white honey? mmm Id love to try! Enjoy the alice lane show (you think it could be called a show? not sure what to call it!)

Unknown said...

I started buying local honey recently because my husband has really bad allergies. Supposedly because the bees use local flowers, eating local honey is like getting an allergy shot of all your local pollens! A much sweeter way of dealing with hayfever.

lizziefitz said...

I love honey too! I drink a honey latte every morning:) Savannah has an amazing honey company that they sell through gourmet shoppes and Williams sonoma Yummy!!

My Interior Life said...

Love the honey photos! And I need to try that gourmet honey - sounds delish!

LindsB said...

mmm, I love honey! Greek yogurt with honey is one of my favorite snacks- yummm

Mamma said...

I LOVE HONEY!!!! I use to eat it with just saltine crackers. One do you keep your figure and still indulge in all that sticky goodness? :) Maybe I should just collect the photos. :)

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh I am totally going this saturday! I can;t wait to see what Alice Lane is doing...I have heard great things form some of the girls :)

Dana Gastelum said...

Oh I adore honey! Nothing like a piece of grilled butter and honey toast with coffee in the mornings :) Just found your blog and love it! I'm a new follower :) Have a great night!

Lynda @ Happenstance Home said...

So funny, as I am reading your post I am actually enjoying a spoonful of raw honey. I usually have one in the morning but had forgotten. That honey you described sounds so good!

Unknown said...
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dave and meagan said...

I will be there on Saturday too...i am so excited to see the homes by Alice Lane...really so excited!!

Samantha said...

Oooh, yes, love those honey animal prints.

quintessence said...

Love honey as well - have never seen these varieties - all look delicious!! And lovely interiors as well - especially love the first!!

Alena: Oh, Its Just Perfect! said...

I bought some of the best honey in Sweden made with cloudberries. If I can find it online, I'll send you the link.

Anonymous said...

I loved the desk and mirror in the first shot...and yes, a great jar of honey can do a girl good. :) Have fun at the show - wish I could go but it's a bit far from here!

Laura said...

Have fun you lucky ducky - I hope you take a lot of photos! :-)
PS - I hope you get your honey.

chicfreakcubed said...

I love this post. As a fellow honey-lover (the food AND the color) I came back to it several times over the weekend. Honey of the month club? Sign me up, mama!!!


Naomi@DesignManifest said...

I do love that last bedroom. It's not my go to color, but its warm and peaceful and sophisticated.

I hope you enjoyed the home tour!

Tiffany said...

Mmm, that bathroom is so gorgeous and masculine!

Danielle Sigwalt Interiors said...

Have you tried Manuka honey yet? It has a lovely taste and contains the highest amount of honey antibiotics. I sometimes use it in a mask with olive oil and sugar. So happy to have stumbled upon your blog today! It's lovely!!!

Anonymous said...

You are SO right about honey & honey tones ;) I'm LOVING the honey jars with the black stripes! Where can I buy those?!


Carbzilla said...

We are currently hosting a hive in our yard for Ballard Bee Company (.com). I think you'd like his jar design too. The honey is fantastic, and the bees are fascinating.