Wednesday, March 10, 2010

{local talent}

I am dying over this beautifully designed home and talent given by Caroline DeCesare. Her office practically resides down the street from where I live. In fact I need to take a little field trip down there to be inspired, AGAIN. I think she has skills and so did Western Interiors when they featured the above work last year before they turned into that silly Luxe magazine.

She also has a very talented sister who happens to be a very creative and amazing photographer. Found here.

That's it for now. Have a good day. I know I will because I am off to go eat protein pancakes with a dear friend who is taking me out for my birthday. I'll let you know how it goes.

{above photos via Alison Tyler Jones}


Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

AMAZING local talent! great space!

Sarah's Fab Day said...

Gorgeous! That bathroom is perfection.

Erica Cook said...

I am loving the ceiling in every image. And that kitchen... well let's just say I may never leave that big white banquette in the mornings! xo

Dayka Robinson said...

i'm all about mirrors, and i love that one above the fireplace! also love the kitchen--who would ever want to get that dirty????

Anonymous said...

I would love that kitchen table and seating! Something about it is so inviting.

High-Heeled Foot in the door said...

Wow lovely. You must sneak into her office and take some pictures!

Unknown said...

that chair wallpaper in the bathroom is so fun!

p.s. thank you for your comment on my blog — you are the sweetest!

Natalie Hall said...

I'm so done coming to your blog because every time I click to Full House I'm in awe with how obsessed I become with everything you post, I mean everything you put up... It overwhelms me with where in the heck to start on my own EMPTY WHITE CANVAS of a home....

Opie Dawn said...

So pretty! Very peaceful and clean. Happy birthday to you!

Erika Ward said...

How gorgeous. I could sit in that kitchen all day

autumn said...

gorgeous pictures!
i am dying over the trim detail in the powder room, and that mirror over the mantle.

Jodi Kendall said...

I want that chair wallpaper!!! so lovely!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

That office is SO SO beautiful!

Laura said...

LOVE those photos! I'd love my place to look like THAT! Lovely....

Debbie said...

Barbara Barry has wallpaper????