I have always wanted to design and style a set. Really the only experience I have is in my head and my heart so when Michelle called me and asked if I wanted to partake in she and Alex's vision I told her to sign me up. I was given free creative reigns but was told to come up with more than a few different scenes. The concept was a storefront with a mannequin-esque model showing off spring or summer fashion. Most all of the props I made or they came from my home but I was racing to the store at the last minute to grab fresh flowers, floral napkins, some soda and and muffins.
How about a few more details..
The first scene that I dreamt up was floral pictures made into wallpaper. I think peoples hand area may have gotten a work out from all of the stapling.
For this scene I just made a bunch of triangle thingys...3-D triangles, triangle confetti and of course a big board with some triangle art. Had to be metallic gold involved.
STREAMERS....and colored paper. This took the least work but I love the way it turned out. My only instructions were that we layered the streamers to look kind of like a necklace. Phew it worked. Truth be known I had to leave in the middle of setting this scene up because the school nurse called. When I came back instructions were fulfilled and I got to witness the model throwing streamers into the air..it was great..by the way isn't the model beautiful???
A few behind the scenes shots..literally..there are a lot of behind shots so beware of the hiney.
I hope I get invited back to play. Between hair, make-up, wardrobe changes and set changes we were there from morning to late afternoon/early evening. That doesn't even take into account the hours and hours of photo editing and the time it took for the submission process (go Michelle!) The above would not have been possible without a whole team of awesome people. Alex, who happens to be a wardrobe stylist has skills and you can actually read her perspective about the process right here. Also Michelle the very talenetd photographer did a recap over here.
Thank you for letting me share. It truly was a fun project.
photographer // Michelle Herrick // www.michelleherrick.com
wardrobe stylist // Alex Evjen // www.avestyles.com
model // Morgan Kaiser // www.fordrba.com
hair & make up // Brittany & Cami // www.adornstylelounge.com
set design // Christina Brian // vivafullhouse.blogspot.com
photography assistant // Elizabeth Langford // www.elizabethlangford.com
wardrobe provided by // www.adornstylelounge.com
Meuse Magazine // www.meusemagazine.com
Congratulations, Christina! Your designs are all so beautiful. What a gift you have!
Congratulations!!! this is very exciting. By any chance do you know where those pillows are from?
Oh my goodness....congrats lovely- this is all just so magnificent- I ADORE the floral...but then again, I adore the gold/pink triangles...oh and the streamers...yup, love it all!!! Awesome work.
Congratulations! Looks like it was a blast- and it all the images came out beautifully. You did an awesome job.
I LOVED everything you created! You did a fabulous job!!! =)
Hey C & O..I had the pillows custom made out of Rossini by Jane Churchiil.
Thanks everyone for your kind words.
Girl, but where are the circle cutouts???
I officially declare you the wizardress of paper.
Congratulations on a fun job putting your creative talents to good use. Looks fabulous, Christina!
(And why can't my bangs look like the models? Wah.)
and what!, no high heels for the set up. that doesn't sound like the Christina i know. :)
You are just too cool.
Remember that one time I met you in person? :)
What a great opportunity for you! I'm sure they'll be back for more of your help, how could they not?
Love, love, love it all! You knocked it out of the park (as did the other girls). Such fun!
How AWESOME. I want to live in your window.
Gorgeous Christina! Congratulations
LUHVE!! My favorite is the floral pages as wallpaper. The styling is chic (and makes sense, TG) and the photography is great. Love the tight shot of the table, too. You are made for this! Hope to see more soon, Xtina!
late to the party on this, but it all looks AWESOME. of course it does.
This IS BEYOND awesome. That floral paper wallpaper idea is brilliant. Congrats.
Amazing!! love love love everything, seriously you are so talented!! CONGRATS on being published!
that is amazing what you came up with! so gorgeous!! love it all :)
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