{photo from my family blog}
I had so much fun going through all of the comments left for those that were interested in reading the new private blog. Talk about a big injection of the "feel good booster". Thank you, thank you so very much. I have finally finished all of the invites except I know I accidentally deleted a few email addresses before I got them copied over. If you haven't received an invite pls. take no offense & just let me know so I can add you. Also I was really excited to find out that there is a way around only inviting a certain number of people. If you need me to tell you how to do it just send me an email or leave a comment.
I really enjoy reading your blog! Please let me know when the other site is up and running. :) Hear, hear to multiples! ;)
(Mama to 3 yr old twins and a 2 yr old)
You always have the cutest pictures! Please invite me too:)
Would love to be add to the list. :) Thanks
I would love to be invited!
I LOVE reading your blog. please invite me!!!
hi...i love reading about your family and creative ideas...if you're still inviting...i would love to keep up!
how precious is she.
Don't forget about me!! :-) I would be sad to not be able to read about your happenings!
Add me:)
Love your blog!! Could you please add me to the invite list?
Please add me as well.
Kind regards,
Please send me an invite to! I was so sad to see you are going to slow down on your other blog. It has always been one of my favorites!
I love the new blog! Thanks for the invite!
Oh, & I'd love to know the loop hole for invites. Email me it PLEASE! Luvs
I'm not sure if you remember me. I'm Laura Standage's daughter. I love reading your blog and would love to continue! your basically wonder woman!
thanks girl,
I forgot to do it sooner...i would love to be invited!
I would love to be added to the list. I am a mom of twins and I have been following your blog for almost a year now, love your style. You need to sell your hair accessories! My favorite store of all time is Anthropologie and they remind me of something that would be sold there. :)
I'm a fellow creative follower and would love to keep following you and your family, if you don't mind.
I am a mom of two and I think you are wonder woman, so please invite me so I can continue to be inspired by all you do!
I would love to be invited if there is still room!
mine didn't make the cut...
CB - be sure to add me to your new blog. Hope things are going well!
~ Christy
mind adding me? eviayap@hotmail.com
I adore reading your blog. I would LOVE to be invited!!
forgot to leave my email address in previous comment. oops
Hi, I would love an invite! Your blog is so inspiring, I dont know how you have the time to all that you do, you are amazing! Julie Gunnell ryangunnell@hotmail.com
Would love to be invited. I really enjoy all the fun decorating ideas.
I found your blog through Shannon Crandalls. I don't know if you remember me I used to be Ali Stewart. You are so creative and i love your blog! I would love to be invited!
I forgot to add my email. It is
I just stumbled onto your blog and I'm so mesmerized by all you do with small children under foot! I have three friends who have 5 and 6 kids (no twins or threes) but I am equally amazed at them as well. I have three children and a busy lifestyle and I'm always curious how others do IT all....please invite me!!!!
Michelle Mom of three Madisyn 8 Isaac 5 and Sophie Lou 20 mos.
I would love an invite!
I found your blog yesterday and fell in love with it. i am a mother of three in houston, texas. i would enjoy reading your other blog. my email is candaceflores@ymail.com
thank you - a new follower
I have had your blog on my blogroll since I started back blogging in late august/september, and I love your blog! Obviously I'm way on this, but I'd love to be invited to your other blog as well! daykarobinson@gmail.com
I am I newbie reader (just finished reading all of your blog posts, yes all of them!) I'd love to have an invite to your blog. As a fellow momma and momo, you are inspiring for sure!
avmusic247 at yahoo
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