As the story goes, There were 2 princesses who shared a bedroom & it sat frozen in time for over 2.5 years. Their Momma started out decorating a new big girl when the news of their cribs needing to be put to use else where at the arrival of 3 new little brothers. Mom worked hard & even recruited Baca to put paper up behind the beds. Being 3 has it's temptations because some little princesses found great joy in ripping the paper off of the wall even though their Momma said NO THANK YOU. Then Momma decided to wait the princesses were a little older & much more mature to repair & finish the room to avoid any harsh feelings because surely they would mature when they hit 4. Now Momma has to paint the bookcase, make a chalkboard, have Nana sew some bolster pillows, make & hang the new light shade, make a cushion for vanity chair & repair the paper behind the beds. Then & only then when Momma is through then all parties involved can all be whisked off to the ball.
Seriously I am hoping that if this blog is good for anything then it will be good in the accountability sector. I really need to get motivated to finish the girls room. I thought that if I threw it out there I would surely have to come back & report on the status. Probably sooner than later, right?
At least I got the mirror frame painted & ready to be converted to a chalkboard. Next is the cushion for the vanity chair....

While painting the frame a dragonfly showed up again. I think this is a sign of great decorating luck.

Time to get crackin...
i really like the shape of the mirror/chalkboard...
my daughter's room is on hold...until she proves to me she can keep it tidy for more than an hour...;)...we've been waiting for about a year now!!...
I'm in the same boat. O's room is all done but the girls' room has been "frozen" as you put it, since his birth. One day right?
LOVE the shape of the mirror. Beautiful.
That dragonfly picture is gorgeous!
Just found your blog. So happy to be reading it and catching up on everything.
Your little girl's room is so sweet! Even though they went to town with the paper it looks fab. All the new elements are going to look great.
Congrats on all your 5 kids. They look adorable and I'm sure they are lots of fun.
Love your blog name and John Stamos reference. I use to have the biggest crush on him. So happy to read that is going to be on broadway in Bye bye birdie! Totally exciting I want to go.
I am sure it will be fabulous once again. I just had to put away the train set for awhile. If I had to put it back together one more time I could possible go nuts. Sometimes its wise just to wait till they are actually ready. 4 seems like a good age.
It is going to look amazing!
And how lucky are you to see that very photogenic dragonfly!
Even though the paper is ripped I am still obsessed with that room! I just adore your style. I've peeked at your blog now and again and adore everything. When I saw your laundry room I thought it was one of those inspiration posts from design websites that you often do, then I realized it was your own home!
You can count me in as another one of your fans- I am thoroughly jealous of these gorgeous rooms that you have designed. :)
this room's looking great, i love it!
you're a Super Mum, what ARE the chances of twin girls AND triplet boys these days??!
thanks for visiting my blog :)
Great Dragonfly pix!......Jo
I can't believe how many comments you always get!! I barely get 1 sometimes!!
Love your blog...I vote you do a framed chalkboard tutorial for those of us that are not as talented as you!
You go girl!!
Love the fabric for the chair. The frame looks great. The room will look lovely as you always do. Keep us updated on how it is going.
Have a wonderful day.
Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"
Um thats the coolest shaped frame ever! Where did you get it?
ahhh!!! 2 lucky little girls! love the colors and the direction this little haven is going!
cannot wait to see it's debut! (and your dress collection? amazing!)
when i said "my wedding" i meant a wedding i photographed. sorry for the confusion! it was in wilson, wy. just outside jackson. so beautiful! where did you vacation?
Love your blog, love your style -- would love to take a peek at your other blog--
you are the Goddess of Style and Decor. I adore you. can i come and be your apprentice?? you are a-m-a-z-i-n-g!
p.s. does your dad by chance live off gilb and mckell and in hillcrest ward??
Those pillows in you little girls room are so pretty. I love that mirror too. So fun to see all your projects!
i am in hillcrest ward. and it must be your dad or uncle then who is in it with us. he is the sunday school teacher and then my mom said it was Bro. Vance and I thought i saw alot of your Vance resemblance. if its your dad or uncle he is great and so is his wife. xoxo
I am in love with that dragon fly pic. So cool! You need to frame that one and hang it in the girls room.
As far as decorating goes, I would not be down on yourself at all with the girls room. You have been on a none stop decorating kick your whole life. The projects will never end. It's too much fun for you.
Your girls' room is going to look incredible!! I seriously can't wait to see the final photos. I LOVE that lampshade you made (a few posts up from here). Gorgeous! I'm inspired to do something creative with my girl's room.
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