According to my mom, on my third birthday I opened all of my presents and the only present I was interested was a big fluffy dress. I'm pretty sure Mom didn't teach me to love dresses @ the ripe age of three. I am convinced I just came that way. Don't worry though by the third grade I was wearing high-tops, playing kick ball with the boys & getting kicked in the stomach because a male classmate was ticked off that I had won him in knuckles. If anybody knows me well then they can attest that I haven't lost my love for dresses even though I love sports & talk radio. In fact I don't own very many pairs of jeans as I feel completely comfortable in skirts & dresses. Well I hadn't connected many of those past memories until yesterday when I told the girls they could pick a treat for having such a great week @ preschool. Without hesitation little "M" wanted to go to Goodwill to pick out a necklace. "Where does she get this?", I thought. Then a flood of memories came rushing in about the days when my Mom would let is pick out some jewelry @ DI when I was young. Next time if I start to worry about my girls being so small & already loving to dress up in all of my clothes & jewelry then I will just have to remember the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.
Why is it that everybody wants to lay all over the white chair? Probably because they all know how much I love white stuff. Shoot so does my Mom, it's all starting to make sense now...you know with the whole apple from the tree thing.

Here's the loot that the girls pickrd out from Goodwill. Not too bad for under $4.00. Did I hear it is 50% off day @ Goodwill on Sat.? Who's in?

The fact that the girls request herbal tea in the morning (with lots of honey) warms my heart too because my Momma used to make it for us as a kid....see I'm all wrapped up in getting all nostalgic & it feels so good. Thanks Mom for all of the memories.

Speaking of tea...I am so excited for the briskness that comes with Fall. Here we come seasons of tea...and tights & more snuggling to keep warm.

Who's in for Fall?
You are so awesome!! What great memories you are passing on to your girls. So sweet!
Your pictures are beautiful as always. Glad you're back!
Did you get those tights from Target? Because I have some in the exact same shade.
This post was so sweet. It made me feel warm and fuzzy inside :)
Let's go to Goodwill together. I am not even kidding.
I cannot wait for fall! I know it won't cool off here till Halloween, buT i am itching to put out my fall decor.
I will also be GW'ing this weekend, in North Phx! I cannot wait. :) I love 50% off day. 2 weeks ago I scored the cutest skirt for $5 & I am anxious to find more bargains.
Lovely. I went to the goodwill on power and ray last week and was pretty disappointed, what good will do you go to? maybe i'm just not as good at finding treasures yet.
your girls are so beautiful. and nothing warms the heart more than family passed traditions!
Christy good luck this Sat.....I'll be routin for you to bring home some nice treasures.
If you ever want to make a date & meet in the middle (Scottsdale) then count me in:-)
Robin - I've never been to the one on Power & Ray. It's kind of overwhelming @ first to try & find treasures. I really frequent the ones by my house. Brown/Mesa Dr. Main/Stapley. The one on Recker & Main is a really good one.
you read my mind. I have thought about putting up my fall decor all week. I thought maybe if fall knew how bad I wanted it, it would come???
Christina, I need you help in my back room ASAP!
I'm so ready for fall! We had a hot, hot summer in Texas.
They look fabulous in your clothes. It will be even funner when they aer older. My 12 year old recently tried on my prom dress, and it was great. Still a little big on her, but not much longer. My first thought was it was too immodest. And I thought my mom had super strict standards of modesty at the time! It is different with your children... What kind of tea do you give your kids? I have been on an herbal tea bend lately trying to kick the Diet Pepsi habit. I have been drinking Yerba Mate though, and that has caffeine. Also some detox teas that they don't need. Suggestions?
your girls are just beautiful & so lucky to have you as their mom. how fun is that, that you let them dress up with your stuff.
i am totally "in" for fall! we have started the decor process already & made our first batch of homemade soup & bread this week. so good.
your tights are so cool! love them.
isn't that the best picture of the girls, with little m leaning on the piano like a tomboy all dressed up your dress. Fun times. Apples for everyone!!
They look adorable! I love the dresses! My fave was this blue lace number from the thrift store that I always had to wear!
Love the pics
Love what she got-purple. The sign of royalty, purple is. Glad they had a good week.
Those are great photos.
It is wonderful to remember and do the nostalgia and the traditions. It is also good to pass them on to the next generations. It makes it more fun.
Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"
what sweet memories to share with your girls :) welcome back, i love the last few posts! oh my, and those tights! gorgeous color. i'll be "g-willing it" at val vista and southern. it's right by me and i always find pretty good stuff!
i cannot wait for fall. (it's sort of consuming my thoughts.) and i'm still in love with that piano of yours. and how adorable are your little girls playing dressup.
i really would love to go thrifting with you. this weekend doesn't work for me, but maybe another 50% off day soon.
also, maybe i will enter that contest... i do love self-portraits. ha!
Im so in! I keep thinking oh if it werent a bazillion degrees right now I would love to go on a walk. How many more weeks until we dont melt?
I LOVE your dresses on the girls...and your piano is awesome! You must have the best Goodwill EVER. How far from the Indianapolis area?!! ;) Also, I see you found some tights like the ones Zooey had on in that photo you shared. They look awesome too!
My family loves 50% goodwill day. We find all sorts of junk to clutter our house with. I wouldnt say treasures, but they are treasures to the kids. Considering I dont have my own house yet and I have no room in storage, my treasure hunt is on hold. But the halloween hunt has just begun!! What happened to lunch?? Call me!
Awesome post.
New tights!!! awwwwwww
I'm in for fall.
I have my cinnamon broom and it makes the home smell divine!
...............Kids are throwing beads at the fan....gotta go!
-Shannon in Crazyland.......
I just found your blog and am in heaven! (Obviously, since I am commenting on a post from early last year- I've been backreading! Not even sure if you'll get this, but I'm dying to know where you found the tall, brown boots you are wearing in the picture in this post. I'm tall and thin like you and have been swimming in all the ones I've tried on. I know you are swamped (um, that's probably the understatment of the century!) but if you happen to have a chance, my email is: betsyclements@gmail.com.
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