I feel I live in a circus. Yesterday I took the kids to get the above photo taken in Dad's shoes for a Fathers Day gift (so ssshhhh). Ashley (my friend & photographer) was so great to work with. You can imagine how difficult it was to get all five to hold still without one of them crying so thank goodness for the gummy bears she gave to the kids & another friend who was there from a previous photo session. I love that the picture is not perfect because it shows real life in action. Notice the little boo-boo on my girls knee. Yes that happened on our way over so it kind of set the whole mood.
I've thought about making the best of my own circus by painting circus tent stripes in the playroom like in the below pictures.
Then my mind started to associate all of the cute circus things I've seen lately.
The reason I started to follow the Ish & Chi blog was the cute nursery Viv created. She sells that print in her Etsy store and just look @ that wallpaper she used. Love it!Now to only escape the circus for a moment....the beach may not seem reasonable but a really good book is. Come to think of it I haven't read a good page turner in a while so.......
ANY GOOD BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS? I'm serious here, I need a good book & I feel so out of it when it comes to good reads. Thanks in advance.
PS - I've made it through the first session of swim lessons.
PSS - I love Fridays because of no planned activities.
Have you finished all the Twilight books? (I still haven't!!)
Mel, I read the first one then started the second one to see what everyone was talking about and then I was done. I know I think I may be the only one who wasn't a crazy Twilight girl.
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. It is a wonderful book. I'll even loan it to you!
I just finished a wonderful book called "A Thousand Splendid Suns". AMAZING! Seriously, I am still thinking about it.
I have TONS of book that I could recommend!
I would love to recommend about twenty but I will limit myself to one. One of my favorites is These Is My Words by Nancy Turner. Happy reading!
the cutest photo for fathers day ever...love that!
Sounds like you have some good friends that can recommend some good reads. I'm right there with you on wanting to escape into a good story. Books are so much better than movies or tv. Let me know what you find and how you liked it.
I think the circus would be AMAZING!!! What a fun idea. Books? Im reading another baby wise book... its pretty good. ha!
I love the pictures of the babes. Such a good idea. I love the circus idea in the bedroom. The pictures you have are just too cute.
i don't have any great recommendations but i sure do love that picture of your kids! adorable!
A good book club blog is, http://zqueenbees.blogspot.com/. I belong and love all the books.
I too love you picture. I just bought my husband a tent, nothing creative.
hey thanks everybody for the suggestions so far!
Beautiful blog! I just love anything "circus"! :) And, my daughter will recommend the Twilight series to one and all!
Cute picture of the kiddies with their daddy's shoes on. I love it! You are so creative! The last book that I read and liked was The Secret Life of Bees. Usually I'm just reading books about reading research. I'm the reading coach who doesn't have or take the time to read except when I'm on a plane! It sounds like you have tons of recommendations! I'm glad you find the time to read. You are amazing!!
i'm a friend of lisa harris and happened upon your blog~ now i'm addicted! you have great style and love your design insight. i love to read...here are a few good ones if you like novels...the time travlers wife (they are now making a movie out of it staring rachel mcadams) and the story of edgar sawtelle.
I'm not crazy about twilight either.
A Thousand Splendid Suns really is a great book (as mentioned).
I also just read a good book called "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan." by Lisa See.
And one of my all time favorites is "Three Weeks with my Brother" by Nicholas Sparks. It is not a novel like most of his books, but a memoir.
Hope you enjoy!
I read a lot...but I'm not sure of your taste? I too liked A Thousand Splendid Suns (and the author's other book The Kite Runner) quite a bit. I didn't like the second Twilight book as much, but I did plow through and finish them all. I just read My Sister's Keeper and it only took me a few days because I just couldn't put it down. Another interesting book is Middlesex by Jeffery Eugenides--you may think I'm weird for suggesting that one after you read it. For an easy read, I just finished Love the One You're With but Emily Giffin. Or I would always recommend my two favorite classics of all time: The Color Purple and Gone With the Wind.
Never read Twilight, so can not recommend it. Nothing to recommend, but you have had quite a few to choose from. Love all the photos that you had in the blog this time. Very nice. Enjoy your reading time.
Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscramlbed"
I'm sort of obsessed with the circus right now. I just made some circus-inspired tshirts for our upcoming family reunion!
Ditto to those that suggested A Thousand Splendid Suns, These is my Words. I also recently read The Book Thief and loved it. I've got a huge list of books to read...
I just love the circus theme and that photo is adorable.
As long as you are on the circus theme....pick up "Water for Elephants." A good read!! (As is "The Kite Runner" & A Thousand Splendid Suns") Water for Elephants is lighter than the other two, but a great story!!
Water for Elephants is a real page turner! If you want something girly, I'd recommend anything by Emily Giffin, but especially Love the One you're with. She writes clever, fun chick lit.
That picture IS perfect though! I love it!
again thank you so much for all of the suggestions. I will be all booked up reading all of the new reads.
This is such a darling idea! If it's ok, I'm going to copy you! I was trying to figure out what to do for Father's Day (I'm also putting together a little video w/ an interview of my 3 yr old twins saying why they love their Dad) and this is a winner. :) Thanks for sharing your creativity.
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