I have a love/hate relationship with places such as Wal-Mart. They are accomplishing everything they have set out to do which is to monopolize the market. I always say I am not going to shop there for that very reason but then I some how just end up there time and time again. Besides the great prices and being a one stop shopping place, they are open later than anywhere else and that is working for me. I've become a late night shopper since I've acquired a full house. Well today @ the Wal-Mart I found some of the best flip flops ever. They were all yellow & $2.50...."perfect" I thought, they'll even match my new lamp that was not produced for the masses (my brain works by associating colors you know). Well sure enough when I got home they were the same exact color. My daughter (oldest "M" by 2 minutes) has been begging to click the camera so we seized the moment. Besides, the two yellow items in the above pictures had invoked some thoughts that made me associate my other little girl so they would work perfect for the picture. I set the camera up on a little table told her to hold it very still and then push the button. It really wasn't that simple because we had to keep doing a re-do but she did an awesome job (refer above).
My girls have decided to quit napping. I made a deal with them & said that they at least had to do quiet time. Right away little "M" asked if I would get her down some books. I came back to check on her & this is what I found. She looked so beautiful in the soft light pouring in on her little body. I thought to myself, "This girl was not produced for the masses, there is only one of her & she is all mine." I've had to become fine with not having a monopoly on her because I realize that was not part of the "original Plan". After all she is not really all mine because she was just a gift from above that has been loaned out like a book from the library & I signed my name to check her out for our earthly experience. I am just in charge of helping her write part of her book. My biggest hope is when I sign my name to check her book back into the library that it will be in the best shape ever & even better. I also hope I can teach her as much as she has already taught me. She sure has learned me a lesson a time or two:-)
I'm looking forward to see how her story goes.
P.S. - Little "M" asked for a purple pencil to show me a surprise. When she brought what she had been working on I couldn't believe my eyes. There written very clearly was her name. She still has another year of preschool and she can write her name...I am AMAZED.
I Love yellow today!