So I was going through & deleting pictures from my phone. I found it interesting that I did not buy any one of the items....which is a darn shame. I deserve an award. I'm referring husband straight to this post.
Does anybody else shop with their cell phones?
I totally do. Helps me not to splurge and spend my monthly allowance in the first week. Love your blog!
P.S. I am the girl that sat next to you at Nichole's photo class.
Oh my heck, my husband does this! I look at his phone and it is all sorts of stuff he wants. I always think its cute
The only reason I shop with my phone is to get feed back from my sister!
Which usually ends up with her telling me to get it ;)
just one more thing we have in common.
if they only knew what we really do pass up on - i think they would be a little proud of us. just a little. :)
I don't do this but it's such a great idea! I'm going to start...I am always seeing things I want to remember and then forgetting them. Ha! Thanks for the idea. =)
yes. then i show my husband and he doesn't ever like any of it (or so he says), so i never buy them.
i quickly learned my lesson that if i really really want something i just shouldn't ask first.
Now that is a nice way to shop without shopping.
Those are really cute things that you did not get but only took photos of so that you could remember what you did not get.
Have a great day.
Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"
Yes, yes, and yes. I had to clean out my phone the other day and deleted many many good finds I SHOULD OF bought, I'm sure I made another girls day by passing them up. I'm so nice. :) HA!
Ha ha ha my Hubby is into 70s ties, you know, the ones that get fat at the bottom end? well, whenever I am thrifting I take pictures of the ties I find to se if he wants em or not. (he always does) lol.
Shop, brag, share, capture moments... These are just a few of the things I do with my phone camera...
Shop, brag, share, capture moments... These are just a few of the things I do with my phone camera...
I shopped with my cell phone yesterday! I am not even kidding. I found a ghost chair i wanted so bad...but didn't get.
Always!! I love those green ottomans! You definitely should have purchased those! :)
How did we ever do our shopping before cell phones. They are always coming to the rescue! Glad I'm not the only one! :-)
Hmmm suddenly I can't see the pictures on your posts! Is this happening to anyone else? I can see a few images, but most are gone. Humph.
Too funny! You should reward yourself for being so disciplined by heading back to those shops and snapping a quick photo of yourself purchasing them at half price! :-) Long live cell shopping!
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