When I was in Oregon we mostly hung around sis's home and if we ventured off anywhere it was to observe what the beautiful nature had to offer. On Sat. my non bed rest sister & I went to downtown Portland. There was a heavy downfall of rain but I had my heart set on discovering what the downtown had to offer. Unfortunately we were pressed for time & sort of got lost but we did manage to visit Cielo Home. It was such a lovely shop. In fact, I think it was just thing to jump start a couple projects that have been running around somewhere loose in that little head of mine. That's the problem though, there is lost of loose matters of business that I seem to misplace all of the time.
Love that orange door.

{picture via Cielo Home's website}
The shop did not offer Christmas stockings but when I saw the below fireplace mantel adorned with stockings made of designer fabrics I thought of Cielo Home because they had a few upholstered pieces done up in the very same fabrics. In person the fabrics are even better than pictured, very high quality. I think I just may have to attempt new stockings in really cool non traditional Christmas fabric.

{stockings via Plum Cusion on Etsy}
Ok, thank you so very much Cielo Home because now I know how I want to refinish my bamboo table a bought a few years ago that happens to be sitting @ sister-in-laws house with the 20 other items. She is so nice not to charge me a storage fee.

{via my camera phone}
I didn't have a picture of the third project Cielo home inspired me to complete. I assure you though that when I complete it I would love to share because it is SO EASY, FUN & CUTE.
Have I mentioned how much I miss my sisters?
Um hello I love those stockings. I was just thinking today that we needed new ones and since I am a master seamstress I thought about making them. Oh and I dont know where that table went... or the green chairs. Grandpa Vance is running rampant through the house stealing things. ;)
What a great looking store. What a fun place to check out. Can not wait until you finish those great project that the store inspired.
Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"
i love stores like this. not only are they a visual wonderland, they jump start my over crowded mind with clear thoughts of what to make.
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