The gourmet meal that the man of the house made tonight was so scrumptious. All of the times he has watched cooking shows seems to have paid off. He loves to go here for some of his recipes. Trust me there are some really good ones there & this roasted halibut with garlic sauce was no exception.

I think today I was especially grateful that I made it through the day on my new health diet. Some people run marathons. My personal equivalent to a marathon is the candida diet. Wish me luck because this one is a doozy. I have never been on any kind of diet, except occasionally the cookie diet so to just go all out extreme is plum crazy. I was told though that if I could stick it out that ALL of my dreams would come true...that is if my dreams consist of more energy, no allergies, no eczema, a vacation in Hawaii (haha) etc., etc...just to name a few. Want to hear what it entails...
1st 2 weeks - veggies,nuts, eggs, turkey & fish
2nd 2 weeks - add grapefruit & berries
3rd 3 weeks - add quinoa & legumes
My diet prescription was a little more strict than what the protocol actually called for, in which I'm trying not to get all offended over.
I want some cookies. I NEED cookies. I eat them or something equivalent almost everyday. The chippers @ Paradise Bakery & I are friends.
Oh mercy I don't even know what I was thinking when agreeing to give this diet a whirl but by putting it out there then I feel like I have to be a bit more accountable. I'm just glad that my woo woo doctor didn't put me on a bunch of herbs & tinctures like my parents. Husband thinks I am funny to put so much trust into a natural homeopathic practitioner. He would though because without doctors he wouldn't put food on our table. When I went to see my new "doc" for the first time husband said, "Have fun at the palm readers". My new "doc" got a kick out of that when I relayed that message. All I have to say is if husband starts to have a pain in his left shoulder then it wouldn't be because a doll & a push pin. I mean really, what can this new diet regimen hurt. If I make it to the finish line hopefully I will not fall over from exhaustion but I will fall over from the excitement that I can have one of my peanut butter cream cookies.

Anyway next subject, I think I also really love it when the sun light's glimmer comes to an end because that is when we usually take our family walks. So many of our family's hopes and dreams are defined on these excursions. Tonight we definitely set a goal to go arrow head hunting. Auntie Camille (one of the last true & remaining hippies) who lives in God's country @ the entrance of all of that beautiful southern Utah colored rock is our ticket to uncovering treasures left by some of the original inhabitants. You know the ones that used to live in cliffs, make beautiful pottery & write all over the canyon walls. Grandma used to be the expert on the land up there but since her passing all of the secrets were pretty much left with Camille. Except I did over hear husband telling the girls that when arrow hunting to make sure & do it with your back to the sun. Did I ever mention the time Grandma went over to Camille's house & chopped down a bunch of plants...Camille apparently thought she needed it for medicinal purposes, if you know what I mean. I really feel lucky to marry into such a wonderful family. Truly, if I ever made a movie it would be easy because I would just base it around some of the characters from his Klan. I love every single one of them.
Here's to vegetables for breakfast.
***ooops.... this diet really seems to be working because this post was meant for the family blog so don't be alarmed or confused if you experience a deja vu****
good luck on your diet adventures. the food sounds really good. it's just the thought of not having anything else. but, i guess that's what a diet is all about. i was going to say, there is no way on God's green earth that YOU need to be on a diet, unless it was for better health. because you do not need to be. YOU are beautiful in every way, my friend.
I second that, why are you on a diet?
thanks my friends...this really is an extreme health diet to get myself back into balance. I think I may be crazy though because I am only 1.5 days into it and all I want is sugar and carbs.
impressive - would love to hear how the diet goes. i need some motivation myself!
Good luck with the diet. I hope you get the balance you are looking for.
As always, love the photos and story. :-)
You didnt tell me about a trip to Hawaii. WHere do I sign up?
Good luck with the diet. Getting things in balance is not always easy. It is worth it in the end.
I would love to do the arrow head hunt with you that sounds like so much fun. Love the Native American stuff. Love Southern Utah with all it's red rock. It is nice to have a guide as well. Enjoy.
Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"
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