"Well that was awfully lucky of me to crack an egg and have two yolks come out", I thought.
I remember sitting at my first ultra sound and hearing the technician say, "Well I see one egg sac", followed by "Oh wait there is actually two egg sacs". In that moment, not only had all of the heartache from being childless melted away but I had seriously hit the jackpot. I had just won a two for one...twins.(we won't mention the time the ultra sound tech found 3 sacs, 2 years later, good times)
Back in the kitchen it was another day. Get up make breakfast & then rush, rush, rush. Same old same old except when I cracked that egg & found two yolks it was enough to deviate my thoughts from the normal checklist that runs a daily marathon in my brain & body. "I really am lucky", I thought. Now the trick is to always feel lucky even through all of the intense times. I mean now not only do I have 2 sassy four year olds but I have 3 tantrum throwing two year olds to add to the mix. Somebody always needs something, it is loud (very loud, ask Jen) & then at times I'll admit I feel a little burned out.
My thought pattern continued on to think about how I first had to crack the egg to birth our breakfast. Whereas on the flip side nothing had to be cracked to get any one of my five children here (only cut & sewn). They just came out & THEN I wanted to crack. It's amazing how in a split second that thought pattern completely does a 360 when an innocent little child who is so quick to forgive & to see past all of my shortcomings surfaces. How do they know how to just love in the most pure way? I then remember I can do this. I do feel so overwhelmed but if I can slow down & enjoy all of the small things then I think we will make it. My heart literally swells when any of my kids say, "Momma I wuv you".
From here on out I only want my kids to see me sunny side up....
This week the kids made an offering of purple flowers to me their MOMMA. I really enjoyed them.

Oh speaking of eggs & cracking..remember that commercial about this is your brain, now this is your brain on drugs. I mean who tries to fit 5 kids into a bike trailer that is clearly designed for 2...I guess that would be me. No wonder the trailer kept falling off the bike...ooops. How else was I supposed to get the girls to preschool? I'll admit not the safest. I wonder if having all of these children has had the same effect as what happened to the frying eggs in the commercial. I swear I am drug free. I learned my lesson but now I really want one of those Madsen bikes. wink.wink.

I've heard, I mean I have seen one of those Madsen bikes in real life & they can fit up to four small children so I got all excited when I thought of the possibilities. Imagine this...a cool evening, the kids all fed & then a bike ride where a husband & wife can take all five @ the same time for a ride. Oooh I am liking the thought of that.
Now wondering what you could do to help the dream come true? Just click on the below picture & it will alert the folks @ Madsen that the folks @ Full House want a chance to win a bike. Thank you all in advance all of my bloggy friends, love you & if I were ever to win I'd have to think of a way to pay you back.
Oh & if you think the bike is cool too anybody has a chance to win one. Go & see for yourself.
Those bikes are awesome! I would love to have one too. You could really use it though for a big, family bike ride. How fun. I hope you win!
Now that is worth trying to win. Hope that dream comes true. That would be great. Let us know if you do win. Photos of the big bike ride and all.
Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"
I'm sending you my win a bike vibes. Good luck! :-)
you get me everytime. not only are your personal pics wonderful to see, not to mention all those fabulous images you find around the web, your words just hit me right where i need it most. were you a fly on my wall this weekend??? i need to be more on the sunny side up as well.
it my not be "the" bike we are all dreaming about winning, but you make yours' look just as good!
Love it! I clicked on the link! Good luck!
Um darling you like like a model.
I LOVE your hair piece.
I know the people who make madsen bikes. they are so awesome. Hope you win!
I hope you win!! Just remember that you are a
"good" egg too!!!
I have never seen such a bike, way cool. I hope all your wildest dreams come true and you are the winner.lov ya
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