I am a little bit obsessed with the above brown planting containers. I have big plans for them. I also have a friend who is getting married and when I showed them to her, she thought that she would use them as wedding favors all dressed up and filled with a little succulent. Also I think they would make a great Easter craft. The best part about it is that they can be picked up @ the Target gardening section for $1.69 for a package.
only would an eye so fabulous as yours, find these.
I never would have thought of these as containers, they are so rustic!
I have always loved these - so glad to find someone else who does, too. I am giving a backyard bbq shower soon and I just might have to use these...thanks so much!
wow, great idea!!! And I cant wait to see what you might fill them with ;) xoxo LA
i hope you show her favors! i'd love to see how they turn out.
no wonder you are obsessed, these look so so cute!
me likey
These are just divine !!!
target today!!!
thanks, love these!
I think that's a great idea! Thanks for sharing it.
would be really cute with wheat grass or moss peeking out the top. thanks for the info!
They're great and a great price!! I think I need to get my hiney to Target.
What a great idea for wedding favors! I used to be a wedding coordinator/designer and would have loved to come up with that idea on my own. Love your blog. New fan.
They have such a great color and texture. Did you move so you could post bigger photos?
can't wait to see what you two come up with! love those colors of ribbon.
will they all hold succulent plants?
Aron..no I didn't move....same old blog:-)
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