To Laura: This is how the big letter "B" arrived..all in one piece.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. It really is awesome. If by chance
anybody else wants a big letter shipped to their home then go here.
Also thank you to Grace for the below box. I love that the box holds
treasures that Eddie has picked up in such places as Maine, Greenwich &
the Hamptons.
It really is beautiful.
But wait that's not all...

So not only did I win the above box over on Grace Happens that was given to her by Eddie Ross but Grace is a blogging friend of mine. I have in the past called her the "Queen of Burlap" (she even gave away some burlap goodies to a couple of my readers). Let's see what do I have to say about Grace other than they don't come any nicer. Grace lives on the Pacific coast by the ocean. I love to come visit her blog to see beautiful pictures of the beach, her cute family and of her newly renovated coastal cottage. She has so much style. When the above box arrived it looked like Lilly Pulizer had gotten a hold of it and wrapped it...darling to say the least. Did I mention Grace loves vintage Lilly... Anyway go over to her blog to take the tour of her home. You will get to see many more pictures which include the before shots. The transformation has been so much fun to see. Thank you so much Grace for letting us into your home:-)

P.S. - Thank you to Shan (fellow triplet Mom) for the award. You make me laugh and I have loved emailing back and forth about such items of business as training triplet toddlers to be great little law abiding citizens. haha!