Objective: Take an old, large mirror & turn into a chalkboard.
Plan of action: Hire one dapper do-it-yourself Dad who has lots of tools & the smarts.
Outcome: Success

For detailed instructions on this magnetic chalkboard go here.
Love It! What a nice Dad you have!! BEAUTIFUL!!!
Ooh, I'm tickled as well. It turned out so lovely. Your dad is a sweetie. I wanna come see your house!!
love love the chalkboard! Um I am obssesed with thrift stores, your finds are awesome! Your pictures are beautiful! I am so enjoying getting caught up on your blog! Please come back over sometime soon! I would love to go walking or you are welcome to come hang out anytime!!!
He is quite dashing, isn't he!!!!!!
aaahhhh!! I love it!!
You inspire me EVERY day. I tell everyone how clean and WHITE your house is. Even if you didn't have 5 kids that would be a huge task. You make motherhood and being so fun and sassy look so easy.
So awesome. Looks beautiful, beautiful!
I love it!!!!! Were so lucky to have him.
What a real life stud!!
PS. you had a wood panneled station wagon?? Did the rear seat face backward? Because I am really jealous!
Wow, that turned out beautiful!!! Love it and love your blog!!!
You are AMAZING!! I love your creativity!I am inspired every time I visit your blog. Super cute :)
I love it!
HEY! Random blogger here.. LOVE the chalk board!!! Awesome idea :) Question: Where did you get the actual chalk board and did it come pre-magnetized?!! You are so darling :)
That is sooooo cool! You have the best ideas! Thanks for your recent comments. Yes, I did take the pictures and yes, I am up for company anytime! Looks like little M got a hair cut. Too cute! Loves!
Wow! You really are talented! I love how it turned out!
Ok. Like everyone else said, I LOVE it! I think I'm gonna have to steal that idea. (As well as others, Crafty Lady.) Where did you get the chackboard that was magnetized?
Where did you find that awesome old mirror? I love it! I have chalkboard envy right now...
Thank you everybody for such nice comments. If you really are interested in the instructions on how to do this project then go on Wed. to designspongeonline.com and I think they will be posting it.
I really do have the best friends and I so love all of the comments.
I got the mirror on Craigslist and hired my Dad to do the rest. Anybody can do it though. If you didn't mind that the chalkboard is not magnetic than it would be REALLY easy. Just buy the mirror and break the glass out. Then paint the back particle board with the chalkboard paint.
Gorgeous project! I am going to have to be on the look out for an old frame!
Kelly | Purple Lemon Designs
Just me again :)
I love this idea! I also love that you use it to display a collection of photos.
Viv xx
fabulous! i will need to make myself one of these pretty little chalk boards.
What a fabulous makeover! I love the before/after photos.
I linked to this post from my blog today.
I love the gray wall behind the board. What color paint is that? I am looking for the perfect gray in my kitchen!
This is amazing!!! I am lucky to also have a handy daddy nearby to help out with my projects. I completely love your blog and think your kids are adorable.
Ohmagoodness! I am in LOVE with your chalkboard. Actually, I'm kinda addicted to chalkboard paint so this is right up my alley. And I just so happen to have an ugly old mirror that would be PERFECT for this project. Thanks for the uber fab inspiration!
p.s. I came over from Kimba's. What a great link!
I could have a chalk board in every room. This one is phenomenal! What a great use of space on a large wall. Now, as much as I love a good chalkboard, that really was an awesome mirror! Maybe painted black with antique gold accents, but nice bones! Beautiful, beautiful chalkboard.
That is totally Gorgeous! What a fantastic idea! So creative!
I love chalkboards and a magnetic one is the best possible kind to have!
That is absolutely gorgeous! I'm so glad Kimba linked you!
The paint color was Benjamin Moore - Brushed Aluminum. I like it because it's not too dark or too cold. Hope that helps.
Came over from Kimba's- gorgeous! Wow, I love the shape of that mirror.
Now that is gorgeous! LOVE it!
What a great idea!!!!!! Thanks for sharing. ~Blessings
WOW. I'm in love with this one.
I've linked you from my reno blog. Please let me know if you have any reservations about me doing so the way I've done it.
Thanks for the creative kick!
I love that! You've inspired me to tackle another project... It looks great! Kudos to you {+ your dad!}
Love it!!
I must convince my husband to make one for us..
Thank you for sharing,
Kind regards,
Ok.. you totally ROCK!
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