Wednesday, June 30, 2010
{small town in the summer}
In a small town they sure know how to make good use out of things.
There also seems to be a different kind of mentality in a small when I went to the local beauty supply shop and had my kids waiting while I checked out and the lady just kept on talking on the phone about her Cancun trip..she REALLY wanted to go back just in case you were wondering.
So there is no sense of urgency in a small town....which isn't always a bad thing. I think I may have even caught the "no sense of urgency bug" so for any of my blogging friends I am sorry that I haven't been around much to give you some blog lovin. You see there is the issue of a SLOW dial-up farm computer. I am also thinking it is so nice to slow down every once in a while just like the computer in these parts and enjoy the scenery. Actually I think all people could benefit from slowing down sometimes..except when driving in the fast lane.
I also had a daydream about taking the Airstream featured on the cover of my above Sunset magazine and camping for a month up and down the Pacific coast..sounds wonderful.
Anyway I will be back soon if I don't crash Grandma's scooter like I almost did the other day. Oh and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of the nice comments about the girls room..ever heard of Christmas in almost July? Speaking of July, I can't believe tomorrow will be the 1st day of July in the year of 2010.
Does anybody else know what I am talking about when I say that the sound of sprinklers watering the hay fields is therapeutic?
Sunday, June 27, 2010
The girls room - edition 1 {budget style}

Good morning! Hope everybody had a great weekend.
Well here are the updated pictures of the girls room. It has been a VERY long process.
About 3.5 years ago I was about to go on bedrest with my triplets. Being that the girls were 2, they still slept in cribs but with 3 on the way we had to act fast because we needed to free the cribs up. At the time I was so short on resources because I couldn't do much of anything but roll from side to side in my bed and all of our pennies had to be saved for what was about to come ...thus the room stayed frozen with just 2 beds for quite sometime. It was so hard to put operation decorate girls room on hold because I don't like unfinished things and decorating is sort of an outlet. Anyway it has been a very slow process but I am done with phase one (meaning super budget style room). I would like to eventually finish the window treatments, have the desk lacquered and add a few quirky pieces to the room. For now we are just going to call it good and be happy that the project was done for under $250.00. I must note that the ONLY way I could get the room to look this good without spending the money was because my Mom was my free and very good seamstress for most of the bedding. Speaking of bedding, the duvet covers only cost $12.50 a piece because Mom took 2 sheets from Wal-Mart (2.50 a piece), sewed some really cool trim into the top piece then sewed them together and put buttons @ the top. I then found 2 twin comfortors on clearance @ Ross for $5.00 to put inside of them. Besides painting, the other main DIY project was taking Modge Podge and scrapbook paper and adhering it onto a piece of cardboard and then putting the trim around it to go behind the girls beds. We all know how cheap scrapbook paper is. That framed scrapbook paper project was actually the first one to be completed over 3 years ago and served as the inspiration for the rest of the room. As for the fabrics and trims..they were all purchased at discounted places. Believe it or not but that cool fabric on the lucite chair has been some that I collected over 7 years ago. I have loved it for so long and was so happy to be able to use it for this little project...I seriously think I bought it for $2.00 a yard. The rest of the furniture & accessories were thrifted, purchaed on Craigslist or bought @ discount places. Anyway a big thanks to my parents for helping me. I am so excited to see it come this far but can't wait to finish the other little projects to make it more complete.
Truly, if anybody is intersted in the play by play report or the resources let me know because I would be more than happy to share.
UPDATE: For the play by play report on the above space go HERE.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
{wide bottomed pants and averages}
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
wild engines (AKA: Bridge-gee Baby, Wellsinator & Choaney)
{stencil and a sharpie}
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
rate this...
Why is this kitchen not rated higher than it is over on rate my space...
Anyway glad Melaine over @ My Sweet Savannah posted about her discovery because I was in heaven looking @ the above space found here.