For me a piece of Heaven on earth exists while sitting with a child in the glider that is in the corner of the boys nursery. I almost didn't buy that chair 5 years ago when I found out that I was finally going to be having my first batch of kids. It was so darn expensive that I went back and forth on the purchase & in fact it was the very most expensive item we purchased for the nursery. It has certainly paid it worth back in dividends. Every night when I put the boys down they all will remind me of that chair when they say, "I wan rockie". You can say it has become a tradition. I often feel so guilty wondering if the kids get enough love & attention but the chair has helped to make many of those feelings go away. I'm pretty sure it makes all of the difference for the kids to even have just a few minutes to themselves in that glider...I know for me it does. Guess you could say that if anyone were to come and ask me what my top picks on a must have list for a Mom, then I would without a doubt say a gliding chair.
***The above was posted over a year ago on the family blog. As I rocked little boys last night I thought about this post because in just one year things have changed. It's amazing what happens when 2 year old boys turn 3..no more holding still. That is why a "flashback" was necessary today.
I could not agree more! My glider was the most expensive piece in the nursery, and if I could recommend my top baby "must have"--that would be it. I may have to email you a picture because it's so darling.
Beautiful flashback...
Absolutely agree...such a special moment each time they are in your arms ..and you watch as their tired eyes struggle to stay awake..those are cherished moments for sure x
I was going to say, "aww, what a sweet post!" until I got to the end. Now I think "gaah, what a scary post!"
- mama of 2.5 year old BBBs
I love this post. I love my glider. My little boy is almost 6 now and he will still snuggle up with me on the couch or on the bed with me while I'm working on my computer.
I definitely think that he still wants to do that because we spent so much time gliding and reading and gliding and singing. He was not a very good sleeper, so we spent more time than most in our chair! I've heard that if you do this with boys in the beginning, not only will they be more affectionate with their children/wife, they will will always be able to snuggle with their mama in some way or another, even when they have whisker's!
jack turns 3 in a little over two months. he still lets me hold him at night. says "i wanna snuggle mom". i can only imagine how that will change and i too will be having "flashbacks" of the "baby" days. :)
you're a good mama.
it was our most expensive piece as well. we just loaned our's out to our dear neighbors who's newborn is struggling at night. i cannot lie, i miss it, but have high hopes the new baby & the mommy will have better nights to come. i think that chair will become even more special when it returns.
beautiful flashback!
i have hope to send you an email later today.
We have a very similar-looking chair in our son's room (ours is a rocker) and it is - all nostalgia aside - the most comfortable chair in the whole house. Ours is a bedtime reading, snuggle up when someone has had a bad dream or is feeling icky chair, and so much more chair - and it's the oldest piece of furniture we own, having been reupholstered at least 3 times over its lifespan.
So, yeah, we have that chair and with our son now having sailed well past 4, the times we spend him there are really precious. Like your son, ours is rarely still lng enough to curl up in either or our laps - and even when he does, he hardly fits any more!
Oh sheesh, I've gotta go get a Kleenex now. :::sniff::: Dang allergies... ;)
Our local church is doing their fall consignment chair, and I have been thinking if I should sell our glider & ottoman in the two-year-old's room. I just think I can't yet. It is bulky & doesn't match....but I can fit both boys there & read about lightnin' mcqueen. It doesn't get much better, does it?
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