Wednesday, March 2, 2011

me likey {home in Croatia}








Nothing too informative today. Trust me though I will be back with something that contains a little more girth. ...that is when I can pull an extra hour out of my pocket. Perhaps a DIY project. Would you likey?

Todays post is coming from something that caught my eye because of its location...and beauty of course. I think I like this place because it is simple and rustic in nature but did not forgo adding chicness & sophistication with many of the decor choices.

This home is located in Croatia which happens to be the region of many of my ancestors & relatives (Montenegro to be exact). In fact my Grandma was an immigrant from the former Yugoslavia to the US as a small girl. I have been told that Montenegro (which means black mountains) is one of the less touristy places over in the Europe and the Mediterranean area but well worth the effort to go and see. In fact a well traveled friend ranks it as one of his top visits over in that region. Have you been?

{all images via here}


Vea said...

I'm originally from this part of the world and I love it! I've visited many times and I'm actually going this summer as well! There is so much history in the buildings, small villages, towns.. people's faces. I hope you get to visit one day!

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

me likey too, and that view? Iv heard so many good things about Croatia!

MissMOE said...

Ohhhh the views!

Nichole Loiacono said...

Holy moly. Places like this exist? Wow.

Anonymous said...

My husband and I honeymooned in Croatia, Italy and Greece. Croatia was my favorite of the trip. You have got to go. Don't miss seeing Dubrovnik.

- Emily
Timeless Paper

Amanda said...

i will always likey a DIY project... especially from YOU!

have i been? to that GORGEOUS location you just posted about? man, do i wish!

Drew {Coral Cafe} said...

that view is gorgeous!! im ready for a vacay now!

Stephanie Sabbe said...

where do I sign up? again, you find the best stuff! It's like your reading my mind, but I've never seen it before.

courteneykay said...

that view! wow, I wish I was there sitting outside soaking in the view and having a drink!

Jessica @ Lavender and Lilies said...

It is perfect in every way!

Anonymous said...

I love it! Like you said, rustic, yet chic! I am living dangerously close to there - do you think they'd let me move in??!! I was in Croatia and Montenegro briefly last Summer...Kotor, Montenegro was a stunner! I'd love to go back and see more.

LiveLikeYou said...

I want to go there - NOW!

debra @ 5th and state said...

oh my! loved absolutely everything!

my friend marija's parents were immigrants and croatia was always on her mind she really piqued my curiosity, this post cements it!

jonalynn said...

Me likey, too! There's something about combining rustic and modern elements that I love!

I have exposed brick filed away for the "future grown-up home" design inspiration.

Unknown said...

beautiful. The setting ain't so shabby either. one more day for pillow giveaway. You just might win!

Anonymous said...

What a house! That view is STUNNING! I'll be dreaming of that place tonight ;)


angela hardison said...

ummmm so pretty! and yes, i would love a DIY.

p.s. i had a missed call from you the other day? hope you're well.

The Wizzle said...

That is gorgeous. I want to go there.

My husband's brother went on a mission to Croatia! I'm totally showing him these pics.

DIY? Yes plz.

dostoievskaia said...

I am from Croatia (and my grandparents are from Montenegro) and both countries are beyond beautiful :) I go to the coast every summer and our sea is amazing, you should visit it cause you have no idea what you're missing!

Bridget said...

OH MY GOSHHHHHHHHHHHH. that view. everything. i love.

Alena: Oh, Its Just Perfect! said...

I am going in September with my family :) My grandfather is from Croatia and I can't wait to spend some time with my Croatian side!

libbie said...

Amazing! I was briefly in Dubrovnik, Croatia this past summer and absolutely loved it. It's beautiful there and with a home like that, what more could you ask for?!

My Interior Life said...

I love this! My fraternal grandmother's family is from the former Yugoslavia too (the area that I believe is now Slovenia). Maybe we're related! :)

gabi said...

I am soooo happy to confirm that, yes; Croatia is quite pretty, and especially the costal part - hundreds of beautiful islands. My favorite place is region of Istria. Cant wait for spring to come so I can go!

Greetings from Zagreb!

Anonymous said...

Croatia is one of the most (if not the most) beautiful places I have traveled too. I can see where you would be able to get decorating inspiration from the scapes.

The Hokanson Family said...

Hey Christina! I'm so glad I found your blog! This is Holly- your old gym buddy from Utah. :) Quick question...I want to do some cool wall paper in our front sitting room...something kind of contemporary?? I don't you know of a website I could look at, or have you ever done a post on wallpaper? If you get a minute in your busy life, could you answer me? Thanks! Consider me one of your blog followers now! Can't wait to see what your next project is. (

Amy C said...

Gorgeous! I lived in Zagreb, Croatia for several years -and enjoyed traveling along the coast as well. It's a beautiful country! I haven't been to Montenegro yet but would love to someday. Thanks for this post.

Barb said...

I just added Croatia to my list of "must go to" places. Gorgeous scenery!

Alcira Molina-Ali said...

Simply stunning -- and plenty meaty enough for moi.
Cheers, Alcira

Jessica Wrasman said...

I second liking this! So peaceful and serene. I can hear the peace and quiet in these photographs.

P.S. Your intro note on the side is hilarious. I am guilty of owning all of the Full House figures as a kid, even the twin boys dolls...haha

Great blog!

Michaela said...

So pretty! love all the stone. I want to go here! (: Hope you're having a great week, Christina!

Full House said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Debbie said...

Shall we go???

Laura said...

Calgon, take me away.
Swooning from Oregon.

Samantha said...

I have the bedroom photo in my inspiration folder. I don't think I've ever seen the rest of the house.

Unknown said...

Hi! What a nice blog! :-)
(discovered through YHL)
Can you tell me where you found this Croatia house photos?
(the link you posted at bottom doesn't work..)

Thank you!

Full House said...

Hi Cri sorry the link doesn't work..

Here is where you can find it:

Thanks for stopping by.

xx - CB

Unknown said...

Thanks! :-)

(oh what a link! *_*)

Stacey H said...

My husband served a mission there... I have been dreaming for years about going on a second honeymoon with him there. Kids just need to be a wee bit older though.... love the post!!

Sanja said...

I see you are of Montenegrian origin, so you might be interested to get in touch with Millie, who is an interior designer in Monte Negro. This is her blog:

Or if ever you want to come to Croatia with your big family, I invite you to my house at the seaside, as my guest.
Warm regards, Sanja

More about this house you can find HERE