The other night my time of being awake was quickly coming to a close as I placed one of my more recent collections onto the white linen. It was late and I was tired but really wanted to see what the end result could come to look like but alas I would just have to be more patient. The discovery of being short a few bow ties and not being able to make them lay straight sent my mind into a whirl of thoughts as I laid my head to rest. Again I thought about Him, the greatest gift given to all of us and the fact that He is the only perfect one. Whereas, just like in life I am usually "short a few bow ties" and the ones that I do have are not perfect. Really these thoughts were nothing new but just angled a little differently to serve as a reminder to keep at it with the end result in mind because sometimes it is so easy to become distracted and discouraged. I take great comfort in the fact that amidst so many changes in life that He will always remain the same. I also can attest to the fact that He has already made up some of the differences in my life and I dare say that I will never look at my bow tie collection quite the same. In fact I am half tempted to leave them looking a little imperfect just to serve as a reminder of all of the above thoughts.
Now about that whole enduring to the end and being patient thing...
P.S. - Have I ever mentioned how incredibly inspired I am by menswear? Really some of my favorite departments in shops are the ones that have ties, suits, fine leather goods and crisp button up shirts. I am having sensory overload right now as I type. In fact menswear is the inspiration for my boys' room....hence the quirky vintage framed bow ties.