When I lived in California, I was considering a management job with Laura Mercier, I remember talking with the regional rep in my third interview where she tried to sell me on the industry by telling me a little trivia about the cosmetic industry doing really well during times of economic downturns. She told me that specifically in the Depression cosmetics and alcohol actually went up in sales. I get why alcohol does so well during depressing times even when money is tight but I wasn't too sure about the cosmetic thing so I went online to confirm what she said. According to Encyclopedia.com, "
Smooth sailing for cosmetics also was evident during the Great Depression of the 1930s, when sales of inexpensive cosmetics out-sold mid-priced food items and clothing." I find that interesting but I guess it makes sense being that the cosmetic business tends to be a place where women can feel good about themselves, regardless of other aspects of their lives. Cosmetics always seem to make me reflect on a date I had with my Mom....

I'm such a sucker for beauty tips. My Mom can confirm that as well. When I was about 11 my Mom decided to have a mommy daughter date. She even let me choose what the activity was going to be. Of course my vision of mother daughter bonding was to do some sort of beauty pampering event. My mom is such a low maintenance lady and has never used much more than just a bar of Dove soap. Bless her heart she went along with my plan anyway and took me down to the local drugstore where we loaded up on face masks, scrubs, polish etc. I will never forget that night and how important my Mom made me feel. Keeping with the spirit of this post I had to reference an article I came across through My Yahoo titled
Wacky Beauty Tips That Work. When I read through the 30 tips I can confirm that I've tried a few of them and feel that they really work. I swear by #25 on the list. If you want to check out the list go
both photos via Flikr