Bisbee, the once booming Arizona mine town recently has been deemed one of the quirkiest towns. At one point in United States history it was said to have been the largest city between St. Louis and San Francisco. Until last Saturday I had never been able to experience the visually stimulating town. When we first got to Bisbee we took the kids on a mine tour and they seemed to be very engaged in thoughts of finding treasure deep underground as the tour guide (a retired miner) took us through a quick synopsis of what a day in the life of mining look like. Then as we explored the town itself I kept saying to my husband that it felt like a fake town. Nestled into hills and mountains, Bisbee sets pretty close to the Mexican/Arizona border. The streets are small, random and make no sense. With all of our kids in tow we got to experience antique shops, hippies, artisans, a cute chocolate shop, turquoise galore, dust, cowboys, horses, friendly people and a town that has been covered with colorful paintings. On the way down I was talking to
Angela and when I asked her what not to miss in Bisbee she said to look for the building that had a bunch a random items all spray painted red. Weird to some, I still give whoever created this masterpiece props for such creativity.
Then about 30 minutes out of Bisbee lays the town Tombstone which now exists as a tourist stop and a reminder that the West wasn't called the "Wild West" for nothing. The kids really, really liked Tombstone as did I for the mere fact that somebody told me they liked my hat and then looked at my little boy and sad, "This must be your big sister"...bless him for his charm...I liked it even if he were in costume playing his act. What really made me smile was when my Maile pointed to the VW Bus painted on the tin door and stated, "Do you think they sell some good organic fuel over there?" I thought she was extra brilliant to make such a connection until it was pointed out by husband that the movie Cars taught her those street smarts. Kids really do pick up on everything even when you don't think they do...so impressionable. Hopefully out of all of the impressions in my kids life, some of the strongest ones will come from the love that they felt from their parents...and that it will be substantial enough for them to pull through any tough times....cause trust me you there are a chance for those...you all know what I am talking about I'm sure;-)
Well of course my thought process would not be complete if didn't think about how I would want the bed and breakfast decorated if we were to have stayed the night in Bisbee. Want to see the vision of comfort, color, layers, textiles, antiques, and paintings that exist in my mind.....
(all images by me or edited by me from House & Garden}