Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Oh MAN! masculine goodness from Tommy Smythe

















Well if a man cave looked any better than then I want to know about it. It has been so fun to figure out about Tommy Smythe. Since I have not watched tv in a very long time I would not know about Sarah Richardson or Tommy Smythe if it weren't for blogging...and that would be a darn shame.

{photos via get it girl style & apartment therapy}


  1. Tommy's an extraordinary talent and I'm fortunate to call him a dear friend. Don't forget to "like" him on his facebook page. ;) xo Erica

  2. i love tommy with a capitol L! he is the perfect accessory to sarah!

    her show is one of the very few i dvr. i sometimes watch it when the kids take their nap just to zone out.

    that black kitchen floor is such a surprise, but i am liking. you've got to watching her show. plus, his personality is super! he always seems to pick patriotic themed or vintage heirlooms. i love that about him.

  3. Oh my goodness, this has been one of my favorite houses ever since I first saw it a few months ago. I have also seen a vignette photo of his little mini bar (you can just barely see it to the left of the fireplace) and it is fantastic. There is a gorgeous lamp on the table that I have to have (I think it might be the same as the one shown next to the bed, except it looked like it was more silver than gold). I wish I knew where I had seen the picture!

    I hope you don't think the look is toooo masculine because I basically want to decorate my house in exactly the same way. Maybe except for the black walls!

  4. Dude, that was an orgy for my eyes and brain! That wingback in the Oscar De la Renta fabric! The leather and nail head, yellow and plaid! ahahahahah

  5. Tommy is a master of the mix. You'll see on the show that Sarah is all clean lines, contemporary, muted colours, while Tommy adds the perfect dash of vintage and spice. He is also one of the few designers I know that responds to questions on his facebook and tweets (@tommystatus) and his answers are always hilarious and entertaining.

  6. I sooo love Tommy. He's got great style.

    Erica@mothdesign+luxe life: I did "like" his fb page! He seems so nice. You are very lucky.

  7. great work, ill show it to my boyfriend, he always tends to think everything is too feminine in our apartment which I tend to disagree of course! :)

  8. YES! Needed this desperately for my boyfriend's new place. Why doesn't he have his own site? Such talent! Merci!

  9. So impressed with you and your gorgeous family and your impeccable taste. You're a regular feature on my blog

    Keep up the GREAT work.

  10. Although not my style, I do love his combination of things.

  11. Love the juxtaposition of the plaid ottomans and that yellow table, genius! Great mixture to add to any sitting area. Thanks for the profile!

  12. he is so talented. i love the black room, stunning.

  13. I love Tommy! I am fairly picky. The only things I don't like about the living room are the Hermes blanket and the yellow table. I could move into any of these rooms. Dalmatian chairs, wow! Thanks for the links. I will follow up. Ann

  14. I love the show Sarah's House - Sarah and Tommy are hilarious together!!

  15. If thats a man cave, I want to move right in! I so wish that was what my fiance had in mind when he says he wants a man cave :)

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