I really and truly can not believe I have stuck with blogging this long. I have made it to my 100th post, YEAH. To some that may not seem like such a big deal but to me it's HUGE! When I started out doing this I never imagined how much satisfaction I would get from my little blog. It gives me time to focus and think about life with my family or simply just for personal musings. It really has become an outlet. When life seems to be passing by so quickly the blog helps to preserve & slow it down just a bit. I'm loving all of my many new friends that have come through this venture. We are all more alike than we realize. Thank you so much for all of the inspiration and for those that have left comments, I treasure everyone of them.
So probably what you see below is just pictures of some really cute girls. To me, yes I see that as well but I also see hair accessories that I have made. You see I used to get so much pleasure out of creating these nifty little items before there were no triplets in my belly and since I like both making hair accessories & blogging I thought it a perfect reason to have a FREE giveaway for my 100th post (plus it helps motivate me to get a few custom gifts checked of the list..Whitney call me). I will decide what it will look like but you can decide if you would rather have a clip or headband, flower or no flower, and the size. They can be for a little baby on up to a big girl like me. I guess the only way for me to know if you want in on this celebration is to just drop a comment:-) Perhaps you should leave a comment with a random tidbit about yourself. The big winner will be randomly picked next week. Hey this should be an easy one to win with my 13 readers (ok so maybe it's a little bit more than 13:-). Oh I'm just so excited. As my sister would say, go, fight, win & ZAHZOO! Speaking of ZAHZOO, if you are my sister who lives in Oregon & you leave a comment you automatically win one right this second but you will need to CALL me and give me a line from your favorite movie but not "Big Gulps huh...well see ya later".
Oh my look @ this little doll who happens to be my niece.

I just had to throw these pictures in because....well just look @ these darling girls.

Oh my look @ this little doll who happens to be my niece.

I just had to throw these pictures in because....well just look @ these darling girls.

Bottom 4 photos taken by Michelle over @ Sweet Moments design.