Thursday, February 5, 2009

I'm the Queen.

It all started with, "Mom can I have some juice please" as I sit talking to a long time friend.  She probably asked a couple more times but I'm not sure because I heard her but didn't really hear her all @ the same time.  You know the drill.  Finally with a little louder voice, "Caaan I haave some more juice your MAJESTY".  I stopped dead in my tracks and burst out laughing in the middle of a conversation with a friend who was needing some intervention.  Of course I explained to my friend why I was laughing but only I, my daughters mother was going to get the biggest kick out of it.  As I hung up the phone and what she had said sunk in a little more I was trying really hard not to get all offended.  All funny business aside, it got me thinking.  You see last time I checked we don't live in a castle so where on earth did she pull this "your majesty" from.  Then it hit me hard and this is all I could picture.  "Off with your head"  

Oh man, I do sound like the Queen of hearts and as Alice would say "Yes, your majesty".  I have been a little more intense lately but I really would have prefered a reference to the Chesire Cat or I'd even take the Mad Hatter at this point before the Queen.  Now what am I to do, Mrs. Hannigan can't even save the day and make me feel better about myself.  Which meant new resolutions needed to be made.  I pledge I will never yell and only talk sweetly to my kids.  It's going to be all about love & happiness.  Who cares if the shoes never get put away, who cares if the house is in need of a Haz Mat crew and who really cares if kids use the floor instead of the toilet because what it all boils down to is if we are happy.  Without happiness we are so lonely and the home may as well be empty. As the day went on I was feeling a little better and changed my tune from "It's a hard knock life for me" to "It's better to be happy in a cardboard box than to be alone in a castle"  You see I'd trade in that castle to never have my daughter call me "your majesty". In fact I'd trade in just about anything to make sure my kids are happy. It really doesn't matter where we live but that we are together cause that's all I got.  Better make the best of it. 

To the little girl who wears the crown, you have won my heart, "your majesty".



Mary said...

Pahaha! Your majesty!!! That's so funny! Maile is a hoot!

Rhonda said...

"Your majesty" LOL That's hilarious!
By the way, AMEN to the rest!

Whitney said...

When I turned 16 for my birthday my dad got me a license plate that said " im the princess, thats why". At first I thought thats right I am the princess but then I realized I dont want people to treat me like a spoiled little brat. So I took it off my car. Im glad I just went to the bathroom because I probably would have wet my pants reading this post.

Debbie said...

Kids truly do say the darnest things and although they may not intend to give us a moment to pause and reflect, it seems to happen. Never forget, "King Kong". That was my "your majesty"! Thank goodness for their sweetness and mostly their innocence.. it is a constant reminder of where we should be and hopeully gets us back on track. XOXOXO Out of the mouths of babes we just might have hope to become perfected.

Cheryl said...

Always fun to read your post. Maile and Maren are so cute. Kids say the funniest things.

Suz said...

I'm totally cracking up! I love the funny things people say... I love that when I pop in to see your majesty's beautious castle one day (un- announced) that you will have a puddle of pee on your floor... but everyone will be happy! You inspire me! I will be taking a page from the princess book tonight... I love it!

Annie said...

Amen sista!...I mean Your Majesty.